The List Of Psychological Paradoxes

  1. The Global Educational Conundrum
  2. The Religious Irony
  3. The Liar’s Fallacy
  4. The Fear of Truth Paradox
  5. The False Clause Adoption
  6. [>.<]
  7. The Babble Fish Paradox
  8. The Lie Loyalty Paradox
  9. The Healthy Delusion
  10. The Name-Stigma-Diagnoses Paradox
  11. Placebo Effect Mass Hysteria Compounded Paradox
  12. If-Then Clause Prevention and False Clause Adoption
  13. The Unmatched Problem-Size to Solution-Size Conundrum
  14. The “Failure-Student” Mishap and The Student-Teacher Solution
  15. The Logic To Language Disintegration Paradox
  16. The Juxtaposition Paradox

The Unmatched Problem-Size to Solution-Size Conundrum

When you have an Ashavana-Sized Problem, you require an Ashavana-Sized Solution.

This is the greatest Pain and Obstacle — Obstruction : Can we all take a moment to reflect how “Obstacle” is related to “Obstruction.”  — in my problem Solving Skills.

I realized I had serious Ashavana-Sized Problems, and I was being provided “advice” from Foundationals and Cultivators.

Never Solve Lower than your Problem. The Math won’t fit.

The “Failure-Student” Mishap and The Student-Teacher Solution

I hear it all the time. “I am a Failure.”

No. You are a Student trying to be a Master. A Student has one. Job : To Learn. That is all they must do. Not “Succeed.” Learn.

We have a lot of people come into The Garden, and they don’t know who they are. “You are a Student,” we tell them. “That is who you are. You are a Student of Life and Self. So you will Teach Me about your Greatest Strength and My Weakness.”

My son then jumped up and began telling me about Technology. He is the Head of my IT and Tech Department and he is Learning, but Teaching me about Tech. This focuses their Attention on their Strength and allows them to learn The Teaching Skill.

I am Teacher. So I can protect myself from his Teaching and guide him through… which passively Teaches him how to Learn.

All Teachers must be taught this. “What are your Strengths, Student? What do you know so well that you can Teach it to me?”

All my Teachers learn this.

Anna’s Ugly Websites Solution

I love my websites. And I hate them. And just now — about 20 minutes ago — while talking to a friend, I realized that I hate and love my Websites.

They are Ugly, but they serve me. And they are not at all for The Public. They are Mine. I realized that I need new websites — which we have planned — But these ones. :


They are mine. They are what I use to organize my Chaos from my Mind into Archives and Records that I can use to build the Next “Q” Tier out from The Point of Comprehension. I have to Build Out.

**smiles** I have to “Build my Way Back Out.”

Component : Build The Way Back Out [name unknown]

When you are learning, you are moving from the Exoteric Point of “Q” in toward “The Point” on Q.

When you are done Learning, you must Build from “Q” back out to The Exoteric Side of Q.

It moves like Breathing. It is just like Breathing. “In” and “Out.”

This is Learning.

I finally realized I can label my Components.

I love The 4th Stage of Intuition… So Much. **Epiphany** The Fulcrum. Which means, there are 7.


  1. Feel
  2. Image
  3. Define


4) Summarize/Logic


  1. Math
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry


Then Integrate them all together with Biology.


The Heart of Mother Nature Check : True


What you are really doing as you read through my work, is learning “The Steps” to Mother Nature’s Song… so you can learn to Dance with her. 😉

That is REALLY what my Mission is. To Teach the world how to Dance with Mother Nature. I am a Dance Teacher 🙂 Did you know?


Integrated Omniscience Point of View : The Problem Categories

I am finally able to Speak…  **sigh** I know how to Group Problems. I am Grouping all Problems, for Simple Solutions.

And I am building The Math Theorem for All Problems so you can Solve For X for any Solution. This is “Stage #2” Logical Hierarchy Line of The Love Theorem.

1 +> 3 +> [This Stage Here]


This is The Universal Code That I Have Been Using To Build The Universe (Via Manifestation) and Read The Universal Clock

I will be building all of the Logics as I see them. I can add the Logic now behind The Math (See Above).

The Logic To Language Disintegration Paradox

This is in part due to The Intuition Paradox where Articulation of Feelings and Visions is not at all possible during Stages #1 and Stages #2

The Juxtaposition Paradox

When we Reject our own Contrast and thus divide the Self due to the Juxtaposition Paradox, creating our own Prejudice Against The Self or Self-Prejudice. All Conflicts are in Truth due to The Juxtaposition Paradox, which always results in Self-Division and Unstable Atomic Health on a Quantum-Self Level. Hence, Mental Health.


The 12 Components Logical Disintegration

  1. The Narcissist’s Origin Avoidance Nightmare or “The Usurped Origin Sin”
  2. The Disorientation Imbroglio
  3. The Ungrounded Hypothesis
  4. The Usurped Subject Delusion
  5. The Intuition Paradox
  6. The Juxtaposition Paradox
  7. The Double Denial Compound
  8. The Self-Preservation vs. Juxtaposition Paradox Paradox
  9. The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox
  10. The Forbidden Fruit Paradox
  11. The Babble Fish Proof or “The God Proof”
  12. The Tit-For-Tat Paradox

The Explanation

The Narcissist’s Origin Avoidance Nightmare or “The Usurped Origin Sin”

I never use the word “Sin.” But if ever there is any use for it, it is Right Here. “The Usurped Origin” Sin. You remove the Origin from Its Place of “One” for your Ego, and you remove The entire Logical Spine of Order that holds the Entirety of All Together. Don’t do it. It’s dumb. You die.

You are picking a fight with Mother Nature and Love and Truth and The Ethics when you do. Don’t be Dumb. Don’t ever be This Stupid.

We see this when a Person — to Lie and Hide the Truth — will skip “The Backstory.” In most cases, they place themselves as “The Savior” to your Problem, and then they slowly erase all history in your life that comes before Them.

We see this with False Religions, who all “Compete” with each other for “The Placement of One,” which belongs to The Origin.

See The Truth Formula to resolve this Dispute.

*Ahem* This is gaslighting.

The Disorientation Imbroglio

When “I” Confuse/Integrate Harmonic Y-Axis Tiers with X-Axis Tiers because they lack the Knowledge of Grouping and Mother Nature’s Song. As a result, Components are entered into the wrong Equations causing significantly incorrect Calculations. The Disorientation Imbroglio is always a side effect of The Ungrounded Hypothesis.

Example A :

Time and Dimension of Triangulation Formula (POO, X, Y) being Grouped improperly with Length, Width, Height of Shape Definition Formula (X, Y, Z).

Example B :

Fire is often incorrectly Grouped with The Three Elements of Nature are Air, Earth, and Soil. When Fire belongs with Lightning and [Unknown Reaction Grouping].

Example C :

Energy and Force are often incorrectly believed to be the same thing and also, Energy is falsely believed to be “Everything” including a battery with No Charge — The Physicist gives “that look” to the Audience — due to the Ungrounded Hypothesis.

The Disorientation Imbroglio contains Sub-Categories :

The Related And Relevant Contamination

When The Origin is lost, it is not possible to Group Common Denominators appropriately. This leads to Irrelevant and Unrelated Additions to Groups occurring, which contaminates The Equation.

The Incorrect Grouping Mishap

When People improperly sort Components into the wrong Group due to The Global Education Conundrum, The Disorientation Imbroglio, The Healthy Delusion, or Double Dipping Recycled Word Conundrum (See Autism… and Autism)

The Double Dipping Recycled Word Conundrum

When Professionals use The Same Word for two or more different Definitions leading to mass confusion on what the world actually means and resulting in The Incorrect Grouping Mishap (See The Axis Confusion and “Dimension” as a result) Example : The Cartesian Coordinate System recycling “Y-Axis” and X-Axis,” with POO, which are in fact BOTH Points and not at all Lines on an Axis, but People are suffering from The Idolized Master Problem and The Disorientation Imbroglio… **ponders this** probably because of The Double Dipping Recycle Word Conundrum within The Cartesian Coordinate System itself. <– This is a Science joke for the Mathematicians in the room.

The Idolized Master Problem

When a Genius is revered and placed on so high a pedestal, that no one questions even their mistakes (Like Einstein incorrectly classifying “Time” as “The Fourth Dimension, which is an example of The Incorrect Grouping Mishap and then we hear Neil DeGrasse Tyson later trying to explain the illogic of how your Location is part of your face).

The Axis Confusion

When “I” mistakes “Y-Axis Data” or “X-Axis Data” or “Q-Axis” Data for “Y-Axis Data” or “X-Axis Data” or “Q-Axis” Data.

The Logical Violation Sin

Yes. I would call this “A Sin” as it is very much a variation of “The Usurper’s Sin.” In fact, this is how an “I” catches The Usurper’s Sin. When Logical Ordering itself is abandoned and Symptoms are treated like Origins and Origins are ignored like Symptoms and thus, Chaos ensues, the Self is lost, The Integrity of Truth forgotten.

The Ungrounded Hypothesis

This is the “Too Much Theory. Not Enough Fact.” Equation. We see this a lot as a result of The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox where the Theory is absent of Sense and Logic, defying all Possibility according to The Origin.

This is a side effect of The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox.

The Usurped Subject Delusion

This is “Putting The Cart Before The Horse.”

This is when The “I” has committed “The Usurped Origin Sin” and has gone so far as to literally remove the Authority from “Subject” inside a Sentence, making “The Object” of the Sentence the Subject or altering the Definitions of the Verbs to illogically fit The Lie of The Usurped Origin Sin.

Example :

We see this with the Sentence “God is Love,” which “I” reads incorrectly as “God Created Love” and thus “God Commands Love,” which means that God is Not Love, while “I” also becomes enraged if they are told that “Love is God.”

The Intuition Paradox

The insanely infuriating Frustration of not being able to Communicate or Articulate what you Feel or See during the Intuition Stages #1 (Feel) and #2 (Imagine) of Growth within The Ashavana Scientific Method.

The Juxtaposition Paradox

When we Reject our own Contrast and thus divide the Self due to the Juxtaposition Paradox, creating our own Prejudice Against The Self or Self-Prejudice. All Conflicts are in Truth due to The Juxtaposition Paradox, which always results in Self-Division and Unstable Atomic Health on a Quantum-Self Level. Hence, Mental Health.

The Double Denial Compound

When Two Wrongs make a Compounded Red Herring instead of a Right. When anyone takes any number of these Fallacies and Problems and Compounds them for “Extra Self Defense.”

This contradicts our Intuitive Math Knowledge that “Two Negatives” Make a Positive, which we intuitively follow… which is why The Double Denial Compound is so effective at Manipulating others.

The Self-Preservation vs. Juxtaposition Paradox Paradox

When the Juxtaposition Paradox triggers Self-Preservation against The Self, and begins The Self-Destruction Sequence in Cell Apoptosis — Sudden Death Syndrome — in an attempt to Save The Self.

The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox

The Belief that an Opinion of “I” — which is always The Ungrounded Hypothesis — is True despite having no Evidence, Education, Knowledge, or Proof, that it is True, while also refusing to Learn, Study, or become Educated on the Opinion that the “I” has built with The Ungrounded Hypothesis.

The Forbidden Fruit Paradox

When an Abuser places “False Value” on “A Desired Fruit” to make it appear “Out of Reach” so the “I” cannot Obtain “The Desired Fruit” that the “I” already has and possesses, but is waiting for “someone else” to Authorize their Authority to use their own Authority.

Teachers, Doctors, Police Officers, Psychologists and anyone in any kind of “Position of Influence” — NOT Authority — are renowned for this, but do not know it due to either The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox, The Usurped Subject Delusion, The Disorientation Imbroglio, or all three.

The Babble Fish Proof or “The God Proof”

An ode to Douglas Adams. This references “White is Black and Black is White” by Douglas Adams.

It is when the Immune System and The Subconscious Mind (Same thing) Incorrectly learns via the Narcissist Origin Avoidance Nightmare or The Usurped Origin Sin, that “Safe = Danger” and “Danger = Safe” so the Self rejects Truth and Love to Protect Narcissism and Lies “To Save The Self.”

This is when “I” Kills The Self to Save The Self. This always leads to The Self-Preservation vs. Juxtaposition Paradox Paradox.

The Tit-For-Tat Paradox

When the Tit-For-Tat Metric backfires and both Parties involved enter into a Catch-22 of The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox that results in an infinite Disintegration of Civilization, Humanity, and Logic until nothing is left, which is why we should not be engaging in Tit-For-Tat.

It leads to either Cold War (The Grand-Daddy of all Poker Bluffs) or Global Nuclear War.

Tit-For-Tat is Russian Roulette with 8 Billion Lives on the line. Don’t be stupid.


Still think Ignorance is Bliss?

Ignorance Kills.



The Delusional Paradoxes

The Eager Cultivator Dilemma

When a Cultivator volunteers and doesn’t expect to have Mental Issues that surface due to being around The 12 Ethics, Love, and The Truth. Expect it to surface in 2 to 4 Weeks. For this reason, a Probation Period of 4 weeks is Mandatory in Community Gaia. This means we ask you to not commit to any Projects where others will depend on you until your 4 weeks is up.

The Teacher In Denial Problem

Teachers can too easily avoid their Mental Health, which becomes painfully apparent when they study Psychology, only for them to realize they are not Healthy enough to Teach. Some will continue Teaching, exposing their Students to their Mental Illness through the Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response, while others will be Ethically torn between “Needing To Survive” and “Feeling Guilty About Teaching.”

Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response Problem

Teachers with Mental Illnesses are spreading their condition to Children in The Learning Environment without any realization that the Child’s Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response is absorbing The Mental Illness from the Teacher.

The Lazy Teacher-Psychologist Problem

When a Professional is told they have to do the work to improve their Education or Environment for the Students and raise the Quality of their Work, but they choose to leave the Standard as is because they don’t want to do the work, knowing it harms the Student/Patient while also refusing to do the work or change professions, putting their needs above the Safety of the Children in their Charge.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy Fallacy

When someone comes to learn that the Education, Money, and Time they invested for a Career was wasted, resulting in severe Grief that goes unaddressed.

The Healer’s Remorse

When a Healer or Cultivator who loves helping others comes to learn just how much harm they have actually caused others and they are overwhelmed with guilt.

Career/Life Disappointment Displacement

When you become educated and you realize you are in the wrong Career / Relationship / Life / Country and you are suddenly faced with a decision to change your spouse, career, home, country, or Self, and the task feels daunting.

The Lie Loyalty Paradox

When you are finally placed in an environment that is Healthy — that forces you to face your Lies — and it triggers the Delusion Paradox, the Individual thinks “I’m getting worse.” But you’re not getting worse, you’re just feeling it finally, for the first time. So they blame The Healthy environment for “getting them sick” that is really “waking them up” to the Pins and Needles for the first time. In fact they were already sick and The Healthy Environment finally showed the individual where they were Sick. This is due to a Mis-calibrated Intuition and a Subconscious Mind that believes “Safe=Danger” and “Danger=Safe.”

Anna’s Paradox

When your work in Psychology, Science, or Education, which brings to your Awareness just how much Professionals and Parents are hurting those they love, and if you say something and break their Delusion as you are honor bound to do, you know it will Trigger these 8 Mental Illness Problems, which results in a Paradox : Either tell the People the Truth because it is Ethical to do so, or say nothing and keep them in their Delusion where they continue to harm others, which is Unethical to do, but telling the Truth and Being Ethical will trigger a series of Mental Health and Ethical Contrasts for the People involved.


At the Magi level, Humor is discovered… and peppered ambitiously throughout.

Magi should be ashamed of ourselves. But we’re not.