The Lab QED Tour : Stop #2

Education keeps you Safe. It keeps you Healthy. It keeps you Free. Education keeps you Ethical so you do good things and can make good choices for your Safety, Health, and Freedom.

Education makes sure you don’t get hurt and it also makes sure you don’t hurt others! Education and Knowledge is where your Resources come from so you can Nourish Yourself, Grow, Stay healthy, become Successful, stay Prosperous, and become Happy!

Without Education, you lose all of these things.

On this Tour, we will explore The History of Education, What life was like before we had Education, and why we need Educational Distribution Centers like Alexandria and The University Emporium.

We show you how our Ashavana Scientists get Knowledge from Mother Nature, and how you can too! If everyone was taught properly, then no one would need Scientists to get their Information for them! No one would need a Teacher to learn.

They all could do it themselves! And that would make them Independent, Confident, Healthy, and Strong with High Self-Esteem so they could grow on to become Life-Long Learners with Challenges instead of Problems.

On to Stop #3