The Index

Enjoy this quick guide to help you find your way around The Healing Garden.


The Stepping Stones 

These are our Quick Reference Resources that have been selected as “So Important that they need to be listed as Quick Reference.” These are found inside the Courses, but are referred to so much, that we log them here for your convenience. The Complete List of The Stepping Stones can be found at The Information Desk.

The Healing Garden Course Menu

The Societal Shift Survival Pack

  1. Societal Puberty : ZITS! Course
  2. The Stages of Societal Change
  3. The Radical Global Healing Plan Walkthrough
  4. “Not-A-Rebellion” Survival Kit (The Gift Shoppe)
  5. This Podcast Is NOT A Conspiracy! Podcast
  6. The Devil’s Dungeon : Satan’s Wife Newsletter : Empowerment Training
  7. The Valkyrie Lightworkers Newsletter
  8. The Nourishment Shoppe

Mandatory Courses to Supplement Your Journey

These Courses need to be followed through by everyone. They are mostly the Directions that provide all the information you need to navigate the Garden. Follow the Directions, and you’ll get to where you need to be. There is a “Q&A” link for you to direct all questions to the NPC/Information Directory.

These Courses are *not* The Journey Themselves. They are the Preparations required to get you started.

  1. Getting Started : The Information Desk (For the Solo Journey Walker)
  2. The Healing Garden’s FAQ and Index & Directory
  3. Your Radical Global Healing Plan : Walkthrough (Join The World)
  4. The Philosopher’s Fountain : University News and Bulletins

The Healing Garden Basics (Everyone Needs these)

Do not cut corners here. This is the Journey. No matter who you are… even if you think you have never had an addiction in your life, read “Addiction : Cracked and Unloaded” for Addiction is really just the Pursuit of Freedom and it manifests itself — always — in Control Addiction, which goes unrecognized by almost everyone who has it.

As you read through Abuse Proof You and “Addiction : Cracked and Unloaded” a lot of information will come to light.

  1. The Learning Journey Of The Discovered Self
  2. Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure
  3. Addiction : Cracked And Unloaded
  4. The Academic Disciplines : How To Be A Student And A Teacher
  5. The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution
  6. The Progression Of Mental GridLock 

Speciality Topics For Unique Situations

These Courses are for those who have additional, unique Situations that require an added Course. Pick and choose which ones apply to you.

The Academic Disciplines “The Healing Garden Learning Style”

Triadic Healing Series

This is Triadic Healing from Beginning to End. This would be “The Main Quest Lines” while everything else is the “Side Quests” and the “How to Play The Game.”

Triadic Healing Part #1 For The Self

Triadic Healing Part #1 is tough in that it is the most disorganized. This is because I poured all I had into the Books, which is why I refer people to the Books. This is also why you will find many of the lessons in Triadic Healing are currently incomplete. 

Triadic Healing Part #2 For The Cultivator

The Healing Garden Education and Learning Center for Parents, Teachers, Healers, and Cultivators “How to Connect with People” and “How To Pass On Information to Others”

Triadic Healing For the Philosopher and the Ashavana

Anna’s Brain Now… On the Edge of The Abstract Frontier. This is Current Research fresh from the Science Labs : Club QED

The Complete Triadic Healing Courses In Alphabetical Order

  1. 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution, The
  2. 2,000 Year War on Education, The
  3. Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure
  4. About Anna Imagination and Anna’s Formulas
  5. Academic Disciplines, The : How To Be A Student And A Teacher
  6. Addiction : Cracked And Unloaded
  7. Art of The Pacifist’s War, The : Taking Down The Powerful Bully
  8. Art : The Science of Perspective Detail
  9. Asha Journey, The Course
  10. Education Reformation, The Course For Societal Solutions
  11. Emotional Education
  12. Ethical Law And Natural Order
  13. Getting Started : The Help Desk
  14. Healing Garden’s FAQ and Index & Directory, The
  15. Healing Garden, The Homeschooling Guide and Walkthrough
  16. Healing Garden Homeschool Curriculum, The
  17. Hope Threads For Suicidal Ideation
  18. Humor
  19. Jediology
  20. Learning Journey Of The Discovered Self, The
  21. Mathematics Demystified
  22. Mother Nature’s Business Model For The Ethical Business Owner
  23. Philosopher’s Fountain, The : University News and Bulletins
  24. Progression Of Mental Gridlock, The
  25. Radical Global Healing Plan, The : Walkthrough
  26. Salmon Of Knowledge, The : The Logic of Learning
  27. Story Book Science with The Ethical Asshole : Our Classroom Live On YouTube
  28. Teen Freedom Course
  29. Triadic Healing (Light)
  30. Triadic Healing Story Boards
  31. Triadic Healing Part #1 : The Self
  32. Triadic Healing Part #2 : Parent, Teacher, Healer, Entrepreneur
  33. Triadic Healing Part #3 : Logical Politics For Societal Solutions
  34. Triadic Healing Part #4 : Learning, Growth, and Story
  35. Triadic Healing Part #5 : True History And The Purification Of History
  36. Wisdom With A “W” : The Science Of Easy Living
  37. Your Network : Family, Community, Friendships, and Relationships