The Ancient Greek Educational System

How The Ancient Greek Educational System is Different from Traditional Education


How did Euclid Discover Geometry?

How did Pythagoras discover Music Theory?

Where do Academic Disciplines come from?


Everything in life is Sequential.

The Science, Discipline, and Mastery of Sequence is the Academic Discipline Logic. But even Logic is Sequential.

Sequential means that something occurs in order and every event and/or subject within a Sequence is dependent, save one; The Origin.

The order in which things occur creates a series of Predecessors and Successors, each with a Common Denominator of the Origin inside of it, compounding the value of each Successor to be greater than its Predecessor. This is Growth, Creation, Evolution, and Life. This process results in a very unique Energy Force called “Love.”

This Sequence results in the Predecessor acting as a Foundation in which the Successor can flourish, grow, and become a Predecessor to its own Successor, exactly like what we see in a Parent-Creation.

This is Integrated Mathematics and is the Sequence that Life, Growth, Summation Mathematics, Relationships, Networks, History, and everything takes place. Including Learning.


Where did this knowledge come from?

In the 4th Century, Pythagoras was taught this Learning Sequence by Zoroaster (Zarathustra), who learned it from King Solomon’s University. Zoroaster taught this to Pythagoras who used it to Reverse Engineer (Disintegrate then Integrate) Music, Math, Learning, Psychology, and Logic.

He called this Philosophy.

Which means “Pure Love.

But many scholars thought “Philosophy” meant “Love of Wisdom” except “Love of Wisdom” in Ancient Greek would have been written “Sophophile” not “Philosophy.”

Furthermore, Pythagoras spoke Old Persian and lived in Ancient Egypt where the language was Old Persian, and Arabic Languages are written right to left. In addition, the word for “Pure” in Old Persia and Arabic Languages is “Sophie.”

And Ancient Greek uses another word for “Wisdom” which gave us “Wizard.”

And, when you study the Sequence of Everything, the Philosopher of Integrated Mathematics learns the First Sequence and the First Logic is “Love.”

Philosophy originally was the Science, and study of Pure Love and everything inside of it, which is Love.

Love is Nourishing Growth, which follows this Sequence taught in Integrated Mathematics.


The Sequence of Growth/Life/Love/Learning is


Plato’s Point +> Disintegration +> Integration +> Plato’s Point


Anything that is done or built without this sequence will not stand. The reason is because the Origin, The First Foundation, is missing and thus the Core Common Denominator that nourishes all Successors thereafter falls apart and crumbles.

For this reason, Pythagoras knew that the Origin of all Academic Discipline is Music, followed by Song and Dance, then Drawing, Painting, and Sculpting, and then Reading and Writing.


But something else is interesting about this too. This Sequence is also Human Development. And are the Sequence Scientists use for Scientific Method, which is how Euclid was able to discover Geometry. And Pythagoras was able to discover Music Theory.


How did we lose this information?

Why have we not heard this before?

That is explained in detail here in The 2,000 Year War on Education.


The Healing Garden is built purely from the Knowledge and Wisdom of King Solomon, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, and Plato. The Founding Fathers of

Education, Knowledge, Learning, and Wisdom.


We use Integrated Mathematics, Pythagorean Psychology, Power Economics, and The Life Formula to recreate the Original Curriculum that Euclid, Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Plutarch, and Christ used. Lost for over 1,600 years, it is restored within The Healing Garden.


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