The Abuse Cycle And Education

Abuse is a Cycle.

And the only Common Denominator that exists between Abuser and the Abused is Ignorance and a lack of Education.

A Victim who is Knowledgeable would have the Education to not be abused in the first place and/or would know — hence Knowledge — how to put an end to their Abuse Cycle. An Abuse Victim who attracts Abusers is Ignorant because if they had the Education, they would not attract Abusers to begin with.

An Abuser — in all cases — is a Victim who is unaware that they are an Abuser due to Ignorance and a lack of Education.

The real question is — if ever you have been abused, then how do you know which side of the Cycle you have been on? Only the Educated who never gets abused has this knowledge — which is why they are not abused.

Education was the difference between ending my Abuse, preventing re-occurrences, and fully healing from the Trauma. Education is the Only Thing that ends Abuse.

Ironically, the Education that prevents Abuse and Heals you, is the same Education that you use to Learn like a Professional.

Education in Communication/Linguistics, Ethics, Logic, Math, Physics, and Pythagorean Psychology. If you do not have a Master level understanding in at least two of these Subjects, then you are too ignorant to know if you are a Victim who Abuses others and/or are just a Victim. Chances are you are an Abuser and don’t know it due to Mimic-Mirror-Repetiton Response. All Abuse is “Abuse Training.”

For this reason, The Healing Garden is committed to using Education Scientifically in these 6 Disciplines so people can end their Ignorance and break their Abuse Cycles.

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