Skill Building is one of the hardest things for people to understand and accept. Our culture teaches us that our “worth” and value is 100% determined by our Skills.
How well we do something is factored way too much into if we love something, what we dream, or if we should pursue it. Society’s current Mindset about Skill Building factors too strongly into our dreams.
When people have a clearer understanding about how Skill Building works, what it is, and also how the Learning Process plays into it, What people dream, how they dream, and what plans they make for their lives drastically changes.
“What do you want?” is often followed by, “Well what am I good at?” And so a person often sculpts their dreams around what is “possible to achieve” based on their current Skill Sets.
Memorization vs. Learning
Being in theater for 20 years and being a Life-Long Learner of 30+ years has given me the realization that Memorization is not at all Learning.
Our Society’s Educational System has mistaken Memorization for Learning. But when you look at the Scope of Learning, anyone can clearer see the Time of Retainment is in direct ratio to how the Information was Received.
Learning is done through Practiced Application through Repetition, Theory, Technique, and Discussion. Practiced Application is composed of Problem Solving, Trial and Error, and Scientific Method.
Learning has four Stages:
- Stage #1 of Learning: Apprentice
- Stage #2 of Learning: Tradesmen
- Stage #3 of Learning: Master
- Stage #4 of Learning: Philosopher
Learning is the process of integrating a Skill into your Intuition until you can Reverse Engineer the Skill and translate it in simple precise terms for Students.
All Learning has two Skills that are required to teach it: Mastery of the Skill and Mastery of Communication. Most of us were taught by Tradesmen in the Skill and were Apprentices in Communication.
Stage #1 of Learning: Apprentice
This is the Stage of teaching the Skill to your Intuition through relentless practice. It usually takes 40 days, which people refer to as “Habit.” Memorization is relied heavily on.
Stage #2 of Learning: Tradesmen
Tradesmen ranges from “Apprentice” Tradesmen and Master Tradesmen. A Master Tradesmen has mastered the skill so deeply that they are Consciously Unaware of their Skill. If they were asked to explain what they do, they often say, “I don’t know. I just do it.” or “I don’t know. I followed my Intuition. I just figured it out.” Intuition is relied heavily on.
Stage #3 of Learning: Master
This is where Learning is finally integrated into The Self. The Master is the Professional who can articulate the precise process that their Intuition goes through step-by-step in a walkthrough and then break it down into simple terms so as to be understood by layman. They are Consciously Aware of the Process followed by their Intuition. They can build a formula from their Intuition. Only the Master and the Philosophers are qualified to teach. The Master does not require “notes” or “memory.” They Intuitively know the Theory.
Stage #4 of Learning: Philosopher
The Philosopher is the Inventor of new concepts and innovations that they evolve from their Intuitive Knowledge. They can create new subjects of study by integrating them with other subjects.
Choosing your Calling or Purpose
When you sit down to determine your life goals and purpose, the Skills you have are not at all relevant to your Dreams. Instead, it is your Dreams that should determine which Skills you will be developing to help you achieve your goals.
I use a Formula for this:
Want +> Choose +> [Learn + Solve] +> Do = Momentum Toward Goals.
Putting your Skills before your Dreams looks like:
Believe +> Choose +> Do = Logic Loop of Dissatisfaction and “Getting stuck in a rut”
Not having the Skills required to achieve your dreams can feel like an overwhelming obstacle, however with the right mindset and plan, it is quite attainable.
Here is a 25-Minute “The Story of You” and the “The Tools to Help You Be You!”