Life Before Education
Life before Education was Trial And Error. This meant you ate the red berry and you see what happens. And if someone gets sick or dies, you learn not to eat the red berry. This is a very risky and dangerous way of Learning.
And too many people get hurt before the Lesson is learned.
Cooking was our First Discipline because if you did not cook some foods, then you would die from parasites or bacteria. We learned Cooking FAST! Cooking and Music are two of the few Disciplines we “Have all figured out” alongside Dancing and Theater and Stage.
We don’t know who first Mastered Cooking — although we let the French and the Italians argue that — but Music Theory was Discovered by Pythagoras around 500 BCE. Pythagoras spent a lot of time in Ancient Persia where he met a man called Zarathustra.
Zarathustra was one of the Wisest Men in all of History. He was an Ancient Persian who lived around Assyria around 700 BCE. Zarathustra was the first man who Reverse Engineered Mother Nature so well that he taught it to a King Cyrus of Assyria.
King Cyrus loved Zarathustra’s work so much, that he helped Zarathustra tell everyone about it. Prior to Zarathustra, everyone was trying to learn, but only Zarathustra had mastered the Science of Reverse Engineering Mother Nature with his Intuition.
King Cyrus and Zarathustra taught this knowledge to a man named Confucius who went on to become the Father of Eastern Philosophy. Pythagoras met Zarathustra around that time (Or Pythagoras met Scientists of Zarathustra). Pythagoras loved Zarathustra’s work so much, that he built an Entire Educational System around Zarathustra’s Science.
Pythagoras called this Educational System “Philosophy” which was a word that merged the Arabic and Ancient Greek languages together. Philosophy means “Pure Love” or “The Science of Pure Love.” And the more you Study the Science of The University Emporium, the more you realize how very true — and just how beautiful — this is.
Euclid — Do we all know who Euclid is? — used Zarathustra’s Science and discovered Geometry. Plato learned and used Zarathustra’s Science and he built the first Official School called “The Academy.” So many people learned from Plato! Like Aristotle who discovered Astronomy and then who also built his own University!
And Vitruvius who Mastered Architecture and Engineering. He Invented Indoor Plumbing for Rome 2,000 years ago!
Even Christ — one of the most famous Ashavana and Magi — studied Zarathustra’s Science.
These Philosophers — These Wise Men — were called Magi or Druids, which were a type of Ashavana who could Reverse Engineer the greatest of Knowledge out of Mother Nature! Education was abundant and the Ancient world Flourished! The word “Wizard” was formed around that time and meant “Philosopher” or “Sage.” The word “Magic” named for The Magi also was formed and meant “Math and Logic,” which are The Magi’s — The Ashavana’s — Primary Tools!
The Ashavana built a majestic City called Alexandria with the World’s Largest Library, a Museum, and also an Ashavana University! The were The Epicenter Of Education In The World! One of the Seven Wonders of The World — The Lighthouse of Pharos — was built by The Ashavana in Alexandria’s port to Symbolize her Wisdom and Knowledge!
This image is That Lighthouse! The Lighthouse of Alexandria!
The Ashavana built Trade Routes called “The Silk Road” that came out of Alexandria, which the Ashavana used to Regulate the Nourishment of everyone so they could make sure everyone had wealth and abundance through the Resource Distribution Center, which was Alexandria! Alexandria was very Prosperous and the Ashavana were everywhere!
Magi, Geni (Which gave us the Word “Genius”), Druids, and Philosophers all were types of Ashavana who were trained in Zarathustra’s Science. It was common for Kings to have their own Ashavana School inside their Palaces with over 500 Magi in a single Court to advise one King! Everyone wanted the Ashavana. And the more Ashavana you had, the more powerful you were.
But one Kingdom desired The Ashavana’s Power and Alexandria more than all other. The Roman Empire.
In 380 BCE, the Roman Empire had Socrates — A student of Plato — killed. And then in 60 BCE, The Roman Empire destroyed Plato’s School and Aristotle’s School. They killed Christ. Anyone who taught The Ashavana Sciences were selectively destroyed. Rome tried 7 times to Destroy Alexandria and the Library.
It took them almost 800 Years to do, but in 380 CE, The Roman Empire finally destroyed the last of the Ashavana and The Educational System. That year (Approximately), Alexandria burned and the Silk Roads and The Ashavana came to an end.
Between 400 CE and 500 CE, The Roman Empire sent Saint Patrick to destroy the last of the Ashavana in Ireland — The Druids who were the Irish Ashavana — but Saint Patrick, who was an Ashavana himself, protected them and hid them.
By the 4th and 5th Century, The Dark Ages had begun and all knowledge of the Ashavana had been lost. All Education and Zarathustra’s Science was gone.
… or so we thought.