Your Network : Family, Community, Friendships, and Relationships
About Lesson

People think “Interests” are what is the Foundation of Friendship. This is not True. 

Purpose (Your Destination) and your Life Path is what provides the Foundation of Friendship. 

If you can’t answer these two questions, then you are not going to be able to find your People. 

Once I realized that Purpose and Life Path were the two requirements for Community Building and Friendship, I was able to grow my Community and find my friends within 2 Weeks. 

Just two weeks. 

You need to send out a Message to your People so they can find you. The Message needs to be “This is my Message” and “This is my Life Path.”

This will attract your Peers and these are the people who will Understand you. 

The Healing Garden Network uses these two Common Denominators to connect you with your people faster and we group you appropriately so you can find your people. 

If you don’t know what your Purpose is or your Life Path, then you will not be able to find your People. This is where you need to do the Work before you can find your People.