All other People are Potential Connections.
What kind of Connections we have depends on 5 Categories, Most people in this world know nothing about these 5 Categories.
You have The Self – Self Community
Family – Your Origin Community
Community – Your Environmental Community
Friendships – Your Understanding and Acceptance Community
Love – Your “Go All In” and “Fire Walker” No-Matter-What Community
Self-Community is the Parts of you who you work with as a team to organize the Self manage the Self. These are the people of You who you use to Nourish the Self and keep yourself Operating.
This is your Origin Community who are supposed to provide you with a Safe-Learning Environment to Discover the Self and figure out your Purpose and Life Path.
Your Family is where you are support to conduct “Trial and Error” of The Self. This should be completed between 15 and 25 years old.
To know True Family, you must know Self-Community first.
This is the Network you have chosen and built for yourself around your Purpose and Life Path.
This is the only place where you will find your Friends and Loved Ones. The Community is supposed to Nourish your Purpose and Dream and your Life Path.
College is the best example of a Healthy Community Network, which is why so many of us find ourselves here. You must have a Community that Nourishes your Purpose and Life Path.
Networkers really need to start building Networks based on Purpose and Life Paths. We do this here at The Healing Garden and this is what we train Network Leaders how to do.
A Business — or Businesses — need to build their Network around a Purpose and a Life Path so they attract the right employees, patrons, and staff to their doors.
To know Community, you must know True Family and Self-Community first.
These are the people who not only share your Life Path and your Purpose, but they are your Equal and your Peer. They are the people who have the same Victories and the same “Falls” as you do.
Understanding is the Core of Friendship right after Purpose and Life Path. No explanation or Lecture is ever required because “they just know” because they have walked in your shoes.
Most people think “Trauma” is a Purpose or a Life Path. This is Trauma Bonding. “Pain” becomes the Core of this “Relationship” and a Parasitic Codependence results every time.
Friendships revolve around Fun and Play. Nothing else. If you are not laughing regularly with these people, then they are not your Friends.
Friendship and Laughter go hand-in-hand.
To know Friendship, you must know Community, True Family, and Self-Community first.
After Friendship, you have those who “go-all-in” with you no matter what. They are your “Do-or-die” Friends and then some. They are your Fire Walker.
They Nourish your Growth. They share your Purpose, your Life Path, and your Laughter. They Understand you and they Accept you.
But also, they never give up on you. They never let you go. They never abandon you, no matter what. They use their Nourishing Growth to get you and the Relationship through the Hard Times.
You use Nourish Growth to get them through theirs. And then, if you can walk through each other’s Fire, they are The One.
To know Love, you must know Friendship, Community, True Family, and Self-Community first.