Your “Health and Self” Optimization Plan
About Lesson

I recommend you just focus on you. Everything else will fall into place. In fact, everything right now already is in place and is precisely where it needs to be. 

Your Intuition is your “Barometer” or your “Universe Barometer” so you can measure Your Truth and You and Your Location in relativity to The Fulcrum. 

Guess what.

Your Intuition is Reading “Mother Nature’s Fulcrum” and measuring it through Relative Comparison to “Your Self Fulcrum.”

This whole time.

Let’s read that again. 

Your Intuition is Reading “Mother Nature’s Fulcrum” and measuring it through Relative Comparison to “Your Self Fulcrum.”


Now, we may have a problem. 

If you were ever abused, traumatized, or taught by Rats or by Good People who were taught by Rats, then your Intuition most likely was calibrated to The False Core that Usurped Mother Nature’s Fulcrum. 

So how good your Intuition does or does not work will be determined by your “Intuition Settings.” 

If your Intuition Settings is set to “100% Perfect Mother Nature’s Fulcrum,” then GREAT! You are all set! 

If your Intuition Settings is set to anything less than 100% to Mother Nature’s Fulcrum, then we have a Problem relative to the % of miscalibration. 


Checking Your Intuition Settings with Anna’s Score

Let’s check your Intuition Settings now. 

Your Intuition Settings can be measured by the level of The Curse of Consumption you have in you.

You have an Average “Point of Balance.” This Point of Balance is where your Average Emotion or Mood is on any given day. Think of a Bubble in a Spirit Level that Carpenters use. Look here if you don’t know what I mean, and you need an example.

  • You have a Point of Balance.
  • You have your Range of Change. 
  • You have your Frequency of Change.  

When Your Intuition Setting is Optimized at 100% : 

  • Your Point of Balance is “0.”
  • Your Range of Change is -2 to +2.
  • Your Frequency of Change is about 1 week / Rotation. 

Ashavana have the Mathematical Formula for this. It’s pretty cool. 

Note : A death of a loved one or a Break Up will spike your Range of Change to a -10 or greater. That is normal and healthy depending upon the Closeness Level you had with the Loved One.

It should not affect your Point of Balance.

On a Scale of 1 to 100, answer these three Questions :

Based on Your Average Center Point :

  • Are you Happy? Rate your Happiness on a Scale of 1 to 100.  
  • Are you at Peace? Rate your Peace on a Scale of 1 to 100. 
  • Are you Emotionally Calm? Rate your Emotional Calm on a Scale of 1 to 100. 

If you are not at 300, then your Intuition Settings are not at all set to Mother Nature.

To measure how much “Consumption” you have, simple add up your Score (300 is the Max you can have) then subtract your Score from 300. The Difference is how far from The Truth you are.

Your Intuition is Calibrated to Nature, which is Defined by The Fulcrum.

The Formula to Calculate your Percentage of Truth and Optimized Health is :

[Your Answer]/300 X 100.


Example :

If you added up 60, then 240 is the distance between you and The Truth. This means that Your Information is 20% Correct.

If you added up to 150, then 150 is the distance between you and The Truth. This means that Your Information is 50% Correct.

If you added up 30, then 270 is the distance between you and The Truth. This means that Your Information is 10% Correct.

If your Holistic Practices, Your Meditations, your Yoga, Your Therapy, your Manifestations, Your Chakra Stones, Your Religion all worked for you, then you should have scored 100% or 300 and you should not at all have any disease or be on any Medications or Prescriptions.

How did you do?

If you didn’t do as well as you thought, it’s because a Rat got to your Core Truth and Supplanted Mother Nature’s Fulcrum with a False Core in an attempt to Calibrate your Intuition to Their False Core. 


Anna’s Score

This Score — Anna’s Score that calculates your Purity of Intuitive Knowledge in relativity to Truth — is one that I created in 1995 and have used nearly every day since then. It has been and is, my primary Math Formula for measuring virtually everything within my Environment — Inside and Out. 

There are two Applications to Anna’s Score that are very important to your Health : 

  1. Your Internal Emotional Mental Environment
  2. Your External Emotional Mental Environment



This is why people MUST heal in Isolation. Because — chances are — the people they are living with CAUSED the Trauma to begin with, and they are — most likely — keeping you sick. You MUST heal in Isolation.

Only after your Internal Emotional Mental Environment is 100% Optimized, can you introduce your External Emotional Mental Environment.  

If you are not honest with yourself on this, then you will make little to no progress on your Optimization.


The History of Anna’s Score

From 2015 to 2020, I lived in a Toxic External Emotional Mental Environment and I made NO Progress on my Internal Emotional Mental Environment in 5 Years.

On 1 April 2023, I successfully discovered the Formula that took me from 20% Optimized to 100% Optimized over night.

I recorded this discovery and my progress Live on YouTube. 

I experienced 30 days of “Ghost” Symptoms that vanished in 30 days. 

On 10 May 2023, I was raped and my Knowledge in Subconscious Mind trauma was put to the test and proved valid. 

Trauma occurs when The Subconscious Mind transfers Loyalty from The Self and Mother Nature’s Fulcrum to The Abuser.

The Subconscious Mind then rewires the Autonomic Nervous System to adjust the Internal Fulcrum’s “0” Balance from between The Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System, all the way to the Parasympathetic Nervous System, where the Subconscious Mind then uses the Vagus Nerve as a Pseudo-Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Aging, Addiction, Weight Gain/Loss, Disease, Mental Illness, and Physical Illness results.


This Transfer in Loyalty is what causes Trauma when The Subconscious Mind “Abandons The Self,” and the Conscious Awareness fails to HOLD ON AND KEEP or “ground” The Subconscious Mind

“You are Mine,” The Conscious Awareness says to the Subconscious Mind. “YOU belong to ME! NOT The Abuser!” 

Only then, does the Subconscious Mind NEED the Conscious Awareness to ANCHOR its Place and Belonging with The Self so it can continue to Orient The Self to The Self and remain UNITED with The Self. 

When the Conscious Awareness fails to do this for the Subconscious Mind, Trauma results as The Subconscious Mind feels ABANDONED, REJECTED, and BETRAYED by The Conscious Awareness. 

This is the Wound that all people MUST heal with the Self when they are recovering from Trauma. 


The External Emotional Mental Environment

From December 2023 to December 2024, I Mastered the use of Anna’s Score on my External Emotional Mental Environment and Optimized my Inner Circle to Nourish my Internal Emotional Mental Environment. 

An External Person will either…

  • Nourish
  • Neutralize
  • Deteriorate 

…your Emotional Mental Environment.

You should only allow those who Nourish your Emotional Mental Environment to enter your Circle of Trust.