Your “Health and Self” Optimization Plan
About Lesson

Where you stand right now within The Healing Garden is your Red Pill and Your Blue Pill. 

The Real Ones. It is not possible for you to go back from what you learn here. The More you learn, the more your Intuition will collaborate to Mother Nature’s Fulcrum. 


And then you will See. 

You will See that Alice’s Wonderland was actually “The Real World” that you have been living in.

That her “Eat Me” and “Drink Me” were the Original Red Pill and Blue Pill. 

The Looking Glass was really Don Quixote’s Mirror of Reality. 

Alice’s Rabbit Hole was Nietzsche’s Mind and you will finally understand exactly what The Monoliths meant inside 2001 : A Space Odyssey. 

Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

As soon as you Know, a timer starts ticking before you “can’t take it anymore” and then you will exist Society.

My World is not for everyone. 

Most people can’t even be around an Ashavana. 

**grins** They can’t handle the Truth.


The Truth is Your Mind was forced to bend away from Mother Nature’s Fulcrum, breaking you in the process to fit a Man Made False Core that cost you your Health at your Expense. 

You cannot “get better” and stay inside their Wonderland. 

You have to choose. 

  1. Health, Sanity, and leaving Society.
  2. Sickness, Insanity, and Staying in Society. 

You are running out of Time. Society is Falling. The Delusion is Breaking. All the lies are coming down. The Emperor is Naked.

The Bottom Line : The Healing Garden functions on Mother Nature’s Logic.

The rest of the World does not.

As you change your Logic, you will be tested. You will come to learn exactly what is Lie and what is Truth. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. 


You cannot half-ass this road. Don’t try.

The Healing Garden is only for those who are preparing to Exit The Old World or who have already left The Old World. 

The Healing Garden exists in the year 2080. In my mind, Society is already done and dead. And The New World is flourishing. We made it. The Rats are all drowned and dead.

They killed themselves. 

It’s all written in The Universal Clock.

From this point on, it is assumed you have Chosen The Logic of Mother Nature and her Fulcrum.