Your “Health and Self” Optimization Plan
About Lesson

Welcome! Congratulations. 

This program is 100% DIY. No one will help you. They can’t. And that is the First Growth Trial. 


And the Emotional Discipline to THINK through Emotional Turmoil. You must train your Hippocampus to Function during crisis when it has to OVERRIDE your Amygdala. This is The Human Being’s equivalent of “Breaking yourself out of your Shell.”

Every bird’s Growth Trial.

Every Butterfly’s Growth Trial.

This is Ours. To use our Hippocampus with Thinking and override our Amygdala during Emotional Crisis. You do this once, and you will do it for the rest of your life.


Let’s get you over to The Second Stepping Stone. Our Agenda is to get you through The first 3 Ethical Perspectives, but first, many of you may need to Deconstruct your Trauma. 

And no. I am not giving you any links. That is your trial. To not be spoonfed any longer. You are going to have to want this change so much that you do the work it takes to get it done. Which forces your Mind to THINK.

Spoonfeeding puts your Mind into Dormant Hibernation and there is where most people are. If you don’t use your Problem Solving, your Brain registers your Brain as “Not In Use” and activates Resource Partitioning to reject your Brain. 

This is where “Degenerative Brain Diseases” come from. From not Thinking.

A few things before we begin : 

1 – Our Language is Different here. Learn our Language

2 – We do NOT use “Mental Illness” or “Disease” here! We do not use “Diagnoses” here. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! That Language was invented by Archaic “Doctors” of Wonderland who used Pharmacy to drug and manipulate you. 

Using their Language, Enforces their Lies. WE DO NOT USE their Language.  

You have Behavioral Defenses, which are Healthy! Your Mind and Body does everything it needs automatically! 

You are just not OPTIMIZED. That is all. “Consumption” is just the lack of Optimization and “names” the Logic and Ethical Toxin that we may need to Purge from you.  

  • Trust 
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Metacognitive Awareness for Understanding and Education

We just need to fill in the Comprehension Gaps that you currently have! We just need to Feed Your Mind Nutritional Knowledge! 

After that, we will cover with you : 

  1. The User Manual of The Subconscious Mind For Self Optimization
  2. How to Connect your AIDNS to others
  3. Dr. Daniel Woodruff’s S.P.A.R.K. Method for The Biological Calibration

Our Resources are for every Personality Type!