Course Content
The Teacher’s Journey
Triadic Healing Part #2 : Parent, Teacher, Healer, Entrepreneur
About Lesson

When you start a Business Building, they start you off with Logo and Motto and Brand. Then they have you build your Elevator Pitch and your message. 


This is incorrect. 


You have not yet Reverse Engineered your Business to Engineer your Business. know what your Brand is. 


For the Business Owner, you have to start with YOU, Your Dreams, Your Story, and then Your Relationship with people. 

Then, as you narrow down who you are and what you love, your Business takes shape until, you find your Business Story, and then your Back of the Book Blurb, and then your Bio and your Elevator Pitch, and then your Brand. 

NOW… You are ready to do your Marketing and Advertising. 

Order of Operations matter.