Course Content
The They of I
Triadic Healing (Light)
About Lesson

Trust is where all this begins. Trust is a Cardinal Value that is composed of The First 3 Ethics: 

  • Self-Nourishment
  • Self-Authority
  • Self-Regulation

We train you in this Skills (Ethics) at The Garden. Self-Nourishment is all about You Knowing Who you Are. 

This is an upward Spiral that begins with Apprentice Level Skills. But we use Physics to Self-Generate Momentum in your Learning. 

Self-Authority comes from Practicing Choices. And Self-Regulation is the balancing Act between Pause to Nourish and Choose to Move. Pause to Nourish and Choose to Move.

If you Choose to Move when you need to Nourish, you will go as far as a Car out of gas. if you choose to Nourish when you need to Move, you will never move. 

Your Emotions communicate to you how and when to Gas-N-Go. And that is all this is; Your intuition on when to Self-“Gas-N-Go.”

When you learn and succeed at the Regulation of Gas-N-Go, you Trust. And then you see how Others can do it for themselves. 

And so you Trust them to save themselves. 

(The How To of Gas-N-Go is in our Handbook For Optimum Learning).