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Having a Subconscious Mind can be a wonderful experience under the right circumstances. Learning to operate your Mind, with the right instruction, turns your Mind from a complicated mystery, into a joyous relationship you will relish time and time again for the rest of your life.

It takes Logic, Autonomy, Nourishment, Love, and a little bit of classic Physics to understand the Operations of your mind, and soon, you’ll be the Master of your Mind.

Get To Know Your Subconscious Mind

Familiarizing yourself with all the working parts, is vital to your being able to adjust the settings. Think of your Subconscious Mind as a Remote Control. You’ll need to learn the Order of Operations and the proper Sequencing, before you can shift your mind precisely where you want it to go.

The Cognitive Core, is the Abstract concept of Five Chambers that are governed by the 5 Part Mental System. Emotions are the Potential Energy transferred from your Chemical Energy, that stores up inside of you, communicating to you “The Relentless Cognitive Core Health Report” so you, Conscious Awareness” know best how to manage and operate your Mental Machine!

It is the Conscious Awareness’ job to make sure your Surplus of Potential Energy gets packaged up and transferred Strategically into Kinetic Energy, exactly like a Purchasing Manager of your Emotional Inventory! Sadly, the majority of us have a severe Back Order in our Mental Logistics Department due to a breakdown of Management and Communications.

This User’s Manual For the Subconscious Mind is designed to help you straighten out your Mental Logistics Department so Operations and Purchasing of your Emotional Inventory runs smoothly again!

We will walk you through them now.

This is your Cognitive Core.

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The Order is Important. In fact, having a Cognitive Core out of Order leads to an Individual falling out of their Life Stream, which is, for the Happy Individual, disastrous.

Conscious Awareness is you who makes all the Conscious Decisions. Chain Reaction Science is going to become your best friend the more you learn just how much Chain Reaction Science allows you to maneuver and steer your life.

But also, Conscious Awareness is in charge of Managing the Cognitive Core. Ensuring that everyone does the job they are assigned, and takes great care to communicate effectively with the four parts of your Mental System.

Identity is your “Inner Child.” She (or he) is the one who communicates all the Love, Want, Desires, Dreams, and Goals to you. She is the one who Dreams in REM, places the “order” for Manifestations,” and who wants Ice cream for breakfast.

Identity is the Captain of this Ship and it is vital that she does get she wants. Conscious Awareness’ job is to make sure that Identity gets what she wants. Always.

Ethics are the 2nd Chamber in the Cognitive Core that determine that Identity gets what she wants… Ethically. This keeps Identity in check. While Identity can only Want out of Love, The Ethics preserve Identity by keeping her aligned with Love. To not get what Identity wants is to not enjoy or savor or know Love of the Self or Others.

Ethics grow only when an Individual Learns. Only with proper Learning, does a Person Grow, moving them along their Life Stream. A person who does not Learn, does not Grow, does not Move along their Life Stream. But the Lessons Learned must be relevant to the Self, must be relevant to the Individual’s Life Stream, and must be Ethically relevant to the Individual.

It is Conscious Awareness’ job to ensure that all choices the Individual makes align with their Ethical Values. To not do this, will cause painful emotions called, “Guilt” and “Disgust” that communicates, in ratio, the severity of the Violation.

The 3rd Chamber of the Cognitive Core is truly, the Core and Heart of the Cognitive Function, and is the 3rd Part of the Mental System: The Logical Core and The Subconscious Mind, itself.

The First Logic is Love. All Logical Comprehension is built, precisely like a net, from that single, solid truth. What is Love. The Human Mind received 140,000 bits of data a day, and the Cognitive Core assesses the Logical Compatibility of each and every piece prior to inserting the data into the cognitive Core to build upon The Logical Comprehension Net.

Abuser’s use “a bag of tricks” to override this Logical Check and Balances inside of you, to insert their own Logical Code, exactly like a Computer Virus, that hi-jacks and disrupts your Logical Comprehension so they can take over your Operating System.

In future lessons, we will cover with you, how you can clean out your Computer Virus, and reformat your Subconscious Mind Hard Drive to the correct Store Settings.

The Conscious Awareness’ job is to work with Identity’s 4th Part of the Mental System, Self-Preservation and The Defense System, to ensure your Logical Code stays protected and safe.

Emotions like “Confusion” and “Resistance,” are the first clues that your Cognitive Core is being tampered with by an Abuser. They are Emotional Clues that tell you that you are receiving Logical Code out of order, which does significantly damage your Logical Comprehension.

This can, and often does, lead to a self-Preservation System that causes amnesia, forgetfulness, PTSD (Logic Loops), and is the early stages of Mental Grid Lock (which, some hypothesis suggests, leads to Alzheimers). The Logical Core makes up for 100% of the Subconscious Mind’s Mental Health.

A working knowledge of basic Logic and Logical Skills with Chain Reaction Science are enough to clean out any Subconscious Mind.

Intuition, the 5th Part of the Mental System dictates External Alignment. Intuition uses the Logical Comprehension Net to “measure” the Individual’s own alignment against an external “Rod of Truth.” One has many to choose from.

The “Rod of Truth” we were born aligned to is and was, Mother Nature’s Equilibrium, which is composed of Logic, Math, and Physics. Religions oppose Mother Nature’s Equilibrium, and they have their own “Rod of Truth.” While Political Parties also have their “Rod of Truth.”

The Conscious Awareness’ job is to choose the best “Rod of Truth” for the Individual so they can always know Truth vs. Lie. A Cognitive Core contaminated with a Virus is a “Rod of Truth” that has been assigned to a Narcissist. The Formatting of your Subconscious Mind’s hard drive is the Restoration of your Cognitive Core being realigned with Mother Nature’s “Rod of Truth.” The one we were all born with.

Mother Nature’s “Rod of Truth” keeps us all in our Life Stream.

Cognitive Dissonance is the Emotion “Illogic” or “Insanity” that communicates how far away from Mother Nature’s “Rod of Truth” we all are, the pain or severity of Dissonance, in direct ratio to the Severity of the Illogic.

To protect itself from the pain of Cognitive Dissonance, the Self-Preservation System uses Behavioral Defenses programed by the Abuser’s Invasive Logical Code, that rewires our nervous Systems to install “updates,” or “Plugins” to preserve the Individual. Most people refer to these Behavioral Defenses as “Mental Illnesses,” which implies disease and sickness, when, in fact, Behavioral Defenses are the Subconscious Minds’ Highest Testament of Self-Love, which the Individual needs for their First Logic. “What is Love?”

Logic is Love.

In its most Purest Form.

It is the 11th Ethic.

The 4th Chamber of the Subconscious Mind, Your Name, is the Summation of You. It is the Logic of the Integrated Self, condensed into One Word so that you Know Who You Are. As you Ethically grow along your Life Stream, your earn Names that become Components of the Self. And when you reach your own Point of Comprehension, you integrate your Names into a Single Name that is your Energy’s Name.

That is what you are doing.

You are looking for your Energy’s Name.

Your Energy is your Soul. And Energy cannot be Created or Destroyed. How old do you think your Energy is? Energy is Sentient.

The Integrated Summation of these Four Chambers makes up Your Perspective Reality. Your RAS (Reticular Articulating System), adjusts the Filter and Scope. Mental Diversification, is the Skill and Mastered Discipline of Moving your Perspective Scope around at will to increase, focus, or decrease, integrate, or disintegrate your Point of View.

A Subconscious Mind contaminated with a Virus, disintegrates the Cognitive Core, and the Point of View until Close-Minded, Prejudice and Ignorance is all that remains… into Nothing. The Mind literally eats itself.

Hence Consumption. This is Narcissism, which has 4 Stages of Consumption.

Next, we talk about how to “Navigate” and “Steer” your Perspective Scope via your RAS.

How to reformat your Hard Drive.

How to remove your Computer Mind Virus.


Hi. This is a lot. If you want to see the Science behind this article, you can review my 2 years of research and data here. I am a Subconscious Mind Whisperer. Since I was 12, the Mind was just a Computer to me. It runs on an Algorithm. A very precise Algorithm and in 2023, I broke the code and invented the Prosthetic Subconscious Mind, which cured all of my mental Illnesses in 1 year… including Multiple Personality Disorder.

What you just read is Pythagorean Psychology. It is Logical Deduction and Scientific Method. It is both, VERY simple and highly complex. This article lays out the Core of AIDNS (Abstract Intra-Dimensional Navigational System). Here is my Abstract.

The 12 Ethics are the “Ethical Chamber” of your Subconscious Mind. There are only 12 “Settings” and a single “Consumption Disintegration Timeline,” that I have mapped out, that allows me to assess precisely where a person is within the Timeline based on their Ethics, Language, and a few words they speak.

This is all very learnable and teachable. And once everyone has this knowledge, the world will change. DRASTICALLY.

The Math for it required a new Mathematics I discovered called “Integrated Mathematics.”

If you want to learn how to manage and operate your Subconscious Mind, I have classes “How To Be A Human” among others all designed to nurture your Subconscious Mind back to health through Play and Make-Believe, which is what Identity needs and wants. And she’s the Captain.

The Mind is Sentient. Treat it with Respect. That’s why you can hear their Voices. Because they are Sentient. You really need to say “Hello” to your Mind. It’s not crazy. It’s what we were supposed to be doing this entire time.

My Office is warmly open to anyone who has follow up discussions. Feel free to see me after class.

Lightworkers. It’s time.

The Mother is calling.

The Beacon is lit.

No one is coming. Stop talking. Start doing. Take Action.

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No time to waste. The Situation is dire.