Trauma Deconstruction
About Lesson

BEWARE : I have had my FILL of Valley Girl Fadster Syndrome and The Oasis. I am all done with it. 

Short Version : 

The world is so stupid that people didn’t even know or realize that THINKING actually turns on your brain and activates your Natural Scientific Method. 

Scientists know this. They were all the Nerds who got beat up and picked on in school.

The world is so uneducated that people have no idea that when you THINK, you can actually feel PHYSICS. 

So now Valley Girl Fadsters are panicked because — for the first time in their life — they are THINKING and they can FEEL Physics in their brain. 

That is how stupid this world is. 

Long Version : 

A lot of Trauma people are so traumatized — they have reached the Suffering Point — that they are finally learning how to actually THINK for the first time in their lives. I was 4 when I reached this point. Needless to say, I’ve been doing this, a LONG time. People are so uneducated that they have no idea that what they are actually feeling is THINKING. 

This is the “3rd Eye” and the “Awakening.” 

YOU’RE THINKING! It’s JUST thinking. And if you’ve never thought before, you’ll believe you’re a god. **big eye roll** you are a god, but throw out the damn ego. We don’t have time to waste, and we’ll cover that later. AFTER you’re healed. NOT BEFORE.

So a lot of Valley Girl Fadsters are now causing a global trend to hype over the fact that they are THINKING. And they have the entire, god damn place in an uproar. 

Now, other Trauma survivors are following the Valley Girl Fadsters calling Love “The Source” and “The Divine Ascent” like a bunch of assholes. 

Now here is the Problem… You have a choice : You can either : 

  1. Heal your Self or 
  2. Research The Hype of Valley Girl Fadsters


Every time you stop to Research The Hype of Valley Girl Fadsters, you STOP healing yourself. And the knowledge and information is 1) HORRIBLY inaccurate, which will add to your Mental Garbage instead of fixing it and 2) WILL NOT help YOU heal.

So right now YOU need to figure out if you are going to go Research The Hype of Valley Girl Fadsters like you have a Dissertation due in a week OR… HEAL YOURSELF.


Choose. Do not waste my time.

If you’re heal, then you’re here to heal.

And AFTER you are healed, we get into the Actual Inside Goodies on what the Valley Girl Fadsters are **Trying** to figure out. 

And if you need help deciding, read this first

We good? 

Now. YOU ARE NOT TOUCHING ANY of Triadic Healing Part #4 and Part #5 until you finish THIS Course and Triadic Healing Part #1 and Triadic Healing Part #2 and Part #3. 

And if you need to “sate your appetite,” glimpse this.


So FIGURE IT OUT! Either you Stay and FIX YOURSELF or you get the hell off of my Ship! I do not tolerate Togglers! 

So are you in or out? 


Now! Where was I? Right! 

You’re just THINKING. And because people don’t know what Thinking actually is or feels like, everyone is in an uproar thinking they’re all spiritual now. **eye roll** Scientists have been feeling your “Visions” for CENTURIES. 

It’s called Intuitive Cognition. Google it. Also try Mathematical Intuition and Logical Intuition. 

Congratulations. You have discovered The Ashavana Scientific Method. It’s Naturally inside of you. 

But the Valley Girl Fadster can’t get past Stage #2 of their Intuition. There are 4 stages of Intuition, and then the Logic and Math begin. As I said, you’re just THINKING. 

And if you’re think your “Thinking” is this special, wait until you can see Ontological Physics and Psychological Physics with Infinity. Now!  

Before you can Discipline your Thinking so you can actually use your Scientific Method, you need to manage your Physics and get yourself under control.



I am sick of seeing Hurt people seek instant results, and when they don’t get instant results, they “Remedy Hop” and then they NEVER get better. Then they come crying back to me MONTHS Later sounding like those Damn Valley Girl Fadsters. Like I don’t know how your Language has changed in a few months. Your Language reveals all your lies. 

Careful when you speak to me. I know LIES. Now either you commit to this, or you leave my Ship NOW. 

Either you commit to this and YOU DO NOT GET OFF until you are DONE or don’t get on my ship at all. 

Yes, you can leave, but I have no tolerance for “Remedy” Seekers. Either you COMMIT FOR THE LONG HAUL, or you don’t bother to show up. 

This takes 90 Days at least. 120 Days is best. 

You go through the course. You do the Damn work. You do the damn reading. You follow the Sequence. 

YOU FOCUS on The 12 Ethics. Those 12 Ethics, The Logical Purge, and The Cognitive Core Navigation is the only thing that is going to get you out of here. I don’t have the time to waste on Valley Girl Fadster Chasers who want IMMEDIATE ANSWERS. 

I answer EVERYTHING about “what is happening to you,” “What is going on with the world today!?” “Why do I have Visions and Past Memories!?” “Am I a God!?” Yes. You are. And we have the Physics and all the Science here to prove to you what is going on.

But you don’t get that stuff until you endure and survive Triadic Healing. 

But if you’re going to go load your brain with Garbage data from Valley Girl Fadsters then you are NOT my people. Go get your Remedies somewhere else. 

This is what you need to know about The Oasis. BEWARE.