Course Content
The Theory of Love
About Lesson

Our Natural Learning Evolution


Evolution means change. A reminder to all. Change is the only thing that is guaranteed in life. Nothing is Stagnant. It can’t be. The planets shift, they move, they propel, they rotate, further and further from the black hole… this has an astronomical effect on all things on our planet. 


Evolution is inevitable. The only pain we ever suffer from is the resistance to that change. 


We require Indulgence to obtain Appreciation for what we lack. We must learn Appreciation in order to see the Value in what we don’t have. And thus, we indulge, ideally on the thing we crave, and when we can’t obtain what we crave, we seek out Emotional Prosthetics to substitute what we lack or what we think we can’t have. We see the change in our Priority and we begin to feast on our next indulgence: the very thing we avoided. 


As if to drink in what we did not have while neglecting the element we once indulged in. 


Again, we indulge until we grow tired of our own gluttony, and through gluttony, we learn the value of balance, moderation, and integration. Gluttony is not the first “deadly sin.” Gluttony is the very principle that, when avoided, obstructs our natural law of

learning. Appreciation is the Natural Consequence of Gluttony. You cannot have one without the other. Ask a child who was permitted to indulge and binge on candy who then asks for the green vegetables and gets sick with disgust at candy. 


Too often, “God-Like” righteousness is not a suitable instruction for Human Growth, Evolution, and Happy Living for we are Human People. Not the Gods of our stories. We require a different set of rules with which to live by.


And the first rule of homo sapien sapien is to allow for change. Always.


Again, we see the shift into the next Indulgence. 


To avoid or prevent the Gluttony of Indulgence, prevents the Value and Lesson of Appreciation, which then prevents the change in Priority. The order of Ethics in which we indulge is scripted, predictable, and vital to our Evolutionary Development, Emotions, and Ethical Growth, of which without we gain no Authority or Power. 


As you Grow, your healing happens. Your Learning restarts, and you can move from the Past into the Present and then, in Becoming Zarathustra, on to the Future.


Indulge. Avoid. Integrate. Each Ethic is assigned its own Indulgence, Avoidance, Integration, Ethic, Emotions, and Priorities (Values). 

As you indulge, you store Potential Emotional Energy, because each action (Indulgence) and Choice fills you with Potential Emotion Energy. It is the Surplus and the Maximizing of the Storage of that Surplus Energy that “sparks” the urge, motivation, and need to transfer that Energy over unto Planned Action with Kinetic Energy.


Doing this Consciously expedites the process, helps you Identify “holes” and “gaps” in your Ethical Stages that resulted in Mental Illnesses. By going back to the beginning and covering things in the Correct Order of Operations from the Beginning, you solidify and build, repair and store your Ethical Foundation.


Some Ethics, you will find are solid, stable, and sound. As missing components of previous integrated parents are found and fulfilled, you will feel those Ethics stabilize.


Entire Parents will become Integrated. And with every shift, you will feel more and more aligned, balanced, and whole. 


The Diagnostics Tool is available so you can determine your Current Coordinates and also your Current AIDNS Diagnostics to see precisely what is currently “missing” from your AIDNS, which Ethics are weak, unstable, or lacking, and what you need to focus on. 


You can also use my algorithm to determine the precise Function and Stability of your Equilibrium. 


Likewise, the AIDNS Diagnostics will also generate your personalized Healing Garden Journey Plan, which you can use to follow along with this book.  


You can do that here. BOOKMARK (Brandi. We need to add a “Diagnostics” tool for people to use to determine what they need). 


And so it begins…