The Syllabus : The Esoteric : The Ashavana Educational System (Plato’s Curriculum)
About Lesson

Ideal Age : 4 Years or as soon as Mother Nature has them Make-Believing

Anna’s Age : 4 Years


Parents and Teachers : Theater and Stage is the most important Art we have. It is where we find our Voice and Self-Authority. It is where we discover who we are. It is where we learn Human Chemistry. 

Childhood Plays as early as 4 Years old is VITAL to their growth. Don Quixote Method. Provide them with a Chest of Costumes and Hats. Remember that Bugs Bunny Cartoon with the Truck of Hats? Do it!

Whose Line Is It Anyway! Use that for Inspiration. Show it to the Children. (Watch the episode with Robin Williams)