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Your Radical Global Healing Plan : Walkthrough
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The Satyrical Tragedy Of Wonderland : Making Sense of Nonsense


What kind of asshole are you?

The Players : Four Types of Assholes

The Conformist


The Lord Farquad who is so uneducated about what is right and wrong that they “play it safe” by living back-against-the-wall in Avoidant Fear in Extremist White Thinking. They often fight back against the Eggshell Walker Police.

They refuse to cater to the unrealistic demands of the Eggshell Walker Police. They need to explore with the Shadow Self and learn that “Debaucherous” does not at all mean “Unethical.” They need to learn how to set Boundaries and Define their own Personal Laws for Self-Control.

The Eggshell Walker Police


Often confusing “Nice” with “Doormat,” “polite” with “irresponsible,” and “self-esteem” with “arrogance,” they are governed by their Insecurity. They thrive on the pride of their Uneducated and Ignorant Opinions as they practice any variation of “You have to be positive no matter what,” “Anger is a sign of Mental Illness,” and/or “You’re responsible for My feelings because I have decided to socialize instead of doing the work I need to do to self-regulate.” They pride themselves on their “Empath Skill,” which is really a sub-genre of PTSD due to Emotional Irregularity.

At first, they appear to be Happy and Healthy, which attracts unsuspecting friends to them, until the friend realizes that the Eggshell Walker clings to the Chakra Stone for life-support. The only Opinion that is tolerated is that of the Eggshell Walker. And when you speak Truth, they will remind you not to be intolerant of Opinions, while being intolerant of yours.

They need to use their “Social Pain” as an indicator to what they need to work on and how much work they have to do. They should not at all be socializing. They need to learn how to set Boundaries and Define their own Personal Laws for Self-Control.

The Raping Teacher


AKA “The Pot Stirrer” is the Under-qualified Arrogant, Ignorant, Opinionated, Ego-Infested, Refusal-To-Learn Self-Imposed “Teacher” who becomes angry and aggressive if you refuse to be their student. They become hostile at Teaching Standards that they don’t meet and accuse their Unwilling Student of “Arrogance” and “Close-Mindedness” for refusing their “Lesson.”

They need to learn Humility and embrace the Humble role of Student. They need to abandon their “Upper Hand” podium that puts them above all others.


The Raping Teacher and Eggshell Walker Police often merge into a hybrid that gets angry at anyone who is intolerant of Opinion and Illogic while forcing their “Lessons” onto others.


The Ethical Asshole AKA “The Salty Bitch”


The Ethical Asshole is intolerant of Opinion and Illogic, Eggshell Walking and under-qualified Raping Teachers who actually make the Old School Conformist look like a walk in the park. They live for Truth and Logic and they require Evidence or default to Hypothesis as a Placeholder while they Learn and Grow.

They need to work on “Letting it go” and moving on from the Insanity of Wonderland. They need to learn how to set Boundaries and Define their own Personal Laws for Self-Control. A good practice in this is to write Newsletters and Satyrical Columns like this one to help them make sense of the Nonsense while sporadically vlogging about this on YouTube.


Knowing what kind of an asshole you are is is vital to knowing what work you have to do in your life.