Welcome to your Lord of The Flies Survival Kit! It is everything you need to get through the next few years while we undergo this Societal Shift!
Your Understanding for Relative Comprehension is VITAL to your success on this mission!
Understanding for Relative Comprehension! Familiarize yourself with this phrase. We will be talking about it A LOT.
Everything here in your Lord of The Flies Survival Kit is covered throughout this course. In short, this is your Parenting and Adulting School. A Societal Plugin that Upgrades your Education so you get everything you should have gotten from 5 to 18 to thrive in this world!
In short, you need:
- To know what is going on
- To Familiarize yourself with The 12 Ethics and Implement them
- To Define Your standard and Quality of Life
- Do the Work to supplement your Education (That is all here for you)
- Implement this right into your life (I teach you how in my books)
- “Clean Out” your life by removing Social Media and Boycotting Media, The Unethical, and The Illogical.
For those of you who are REALLY hungry for getting yourself where you need to go and are screaming, “GIVE IT ALL TO ME NOW,” we have The Mount Everest Preparations List, available here.
Remember, this all begins with “Understanding so you can Identify the Truth Situation.”
After this, we will be walking you through the Preparations you need, Empowering you with Nutritional Knowledge so you can implement the tools you need to make you independent of us (That Freedom Need we all have).
And then we give you the Walkthrough of “What” and “How” so you can nourish yourself however you need.
If you know anyone who could use this, please share. The more people who receives these tools and knowledge, the more those around you will begin to stabilize a Solid Foundation on those 7 Natural Truths, which are the Core Foundation of Civilization.
Let’s get building!