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This is the PANDO Newsletter I post on LinkedIn that provides you with News on the Societal Ethical Shift Forecast. I do these at random, when I feel they are needed. Parents who need to Parent their Creations or Inner Child are encouraged to subscribe to Nutritional Knowledge. 

For every negative Catalyst in, I transfer it over to Positive Kinetic Energy out… For every Abuser who attacks me, I transfer their Abuse into my Articles and courses to Nurture you! Thank you Abusers! Whoever you are, everywhere!

Today, we are going to talk about the Future of Education and what this looks like for 5th and 6th Ethical Perspectives.

The Ancient Greek Educational System knew a number of things that have not been known since the 4th Century, but also, will be known in about 5 years.

We are reviving the Ancient Greek Educational System, which was and is designed to accommodate the Neurodivergent Mind! So all you ADHD people out there… Life is about to get SO GOOD for you!

In short, we are seeing a Divide in Homo Sapien Sapien as we once saw millions of years ago when last our Minds Evolved. The Modern Neanderthal vs. The Super Genius! Welcome to the Super Genius side! The Meek is inheriting the earth as we speak.

Education will reflect the 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution while, the Traditional Model will become (and already is obsolete). They will not recover from this.

We are witnessing the beginning of their end and the Birth of our Beginning.

Homeschool is the Future. In upcoming reports, we will be walking you through the Logic of How, Why, and Milestones marking When.

First, before we begin, we have this to share :

Human Society does not “allow” for more than 5 Perspective Cultures at anyone given time. We don’t know why! We hypothesize that Evolution has deemed this just too “Incompatible” for safe coexistence or perhaps we are looking at the Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response enfold en masse! As a New Human Societal Culture enters into our System (The 7th Ethic), the last Human Societal Culture exits (2nd Ethic). This is why there are NO 1st Ethical Perspective Cultures today.

This will cause the 2nd Ethic to Self-Preserve and “fight for Ethical Survival, which will only wear them out and force them to evolve to the 3rd Ethical Perspective.

Survival of the Adaptive.

I feel like I’m giving a Weather Report. 🤣🤣

Meanwhile, we can expect to see the Ethical Perspective Shift adjust to new Ethics that make room for the 5th, 6th, and 7th Ethical Perspectives. Self-Authority and Self-Government being highly nurtured in this aspect.

We can expect to see a massive uprise due to Fear from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Perspectives as the 5th Ethic secures “Control” and Authority, which they will share with the 6th Ethics, who really don’t want it.

But neither do they (the 5ths)! But all of whom DON’T want to be told what to do anymore by the 4ths!

So really, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Perspectives, are fighting for their “Influence” of Authority, which they didn’t earn organically to begin with. Hence the Ethical War we are all now a part of.

Prepare for Aggression and an Increase of Rage from the Foundationals while they “Throw their Tantrums” due to loss of control over others.

It is going to take a lot of Mature Calm reassurance from the 5th, 6th, and 7th+ Ethics, to provide the Foundationals with a Stern Look, Strong Boundaries, and Silent Formidable, Ethical Stand for what is right for everyone.

But, rest assured, Logical Ethical Education will go a long way to soothe that Fear once this information reaches the Foundationals who would never read articles like this one. Someone should probably tell them what’s going on.

The Message, “This planet belongs to everyone and not just the 4th Perspectives anymore” who are no longer in charge, will be the ongoing message over the next 20 years.

Much kicking and screaming will ensue as the Societal Delusion continues to shatter due to the strain of Lies and Malice it was built on. We are already starting to see VAST amounts of Fracturing as Reality comes crashing down for the Foundationals.

Parents of the 5th+ Ethical Perspectives will pull their Children from schools due to their realization that Teachers and schools are all 2nd Ethical Perspectives, which we are already starting to see according to NPR. But, their Education is so poor that they are blaming COVID for this.

5th+ Ethical Perspectives will realize also that, the proper way to learn, through Practical Applied Application, will require a shift and change in the Business Model where Parents will be encouraged to bring Children into the Work place to learn and observe Hands On, which will also eliminate the need for Day Care costs.

We are looking at a Future where Family and Work Life Integrate with Hands-On, Real Life Practical Education, putting more Ethical Power and Control back into the hands of the Parents while they become more Educated on the Ethical Preservation of their Children’s Ethical needs. (See my other Newsletter for that information).

But wait, there is more.

Businesses will evolve to incorporate In-Business Education Training for Children that merges Homeschooling with Business Building, On-The-Job Training will expand to On-The-Job Education/Learning for Children.

A generous benefit for parents, that will make all Employees EAGER to go to work for an Employer who integrates Family and Education right into the Work Place!

As it used to be back 150+ Years ago through all of time.

Adults who are on board the Future-Destined Ship that is the HMS Slush Brain (This Newsletter) will not be surprised when the average 15-year-old will become Entrepreneurs and Business Owners, integrating their business right into their Modern and Ethical Education!

Businesses will capitalize on this and start learning Imagination from Children to help adults return to Problem Solving and Play-Based Skills lost in the Foundational System. Children will feel validated and elevated in importance and value, which will cause a Mental Health shift in our culture!

Very exciting time to be alive!

The 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Perspectives will run with this concept, while 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Ethical Perspectives will wage their wars, protest, continue to crash the Economy, and argue over political debates that are equivalent to caged monkeys throwing shit at the zoo while the Foundationals vote on their favorite shit-throwing monkey to lead them.

Be sure YOU protect your Self and Loved Ones from the Foundational Rage that is to come. Please… In all seriousness. Protect yourself. It is going to get bad.

What to do as Foundational Abuse is on the rise?

Master the 4th Ethic. Self-Control. Personal Law. Personal Boundary. Discernment. Here is The Circle of Trust, to help you learn and Master this Skill.

Learn about the Narcissist Cure.

Take my Abuse Proof You Masterclass to better arm yourself against their abuse.

Continue to look for and read these Societal Forecasts to prepare yourself for the Future! It is going to be rough, but the 12 Ethics provide you with everything you need to Weather this monkey shit-throwing storm!

  1. Do not give them the Limelight.

  2. Do not entertain their Delusion of “Stolen” Equal Footing.

Your Attention is their Power.

If you want to learn more about how you can convert your Business over into Mother Nature’s Business Model, contact me. Welcome to Anna’s “The Garden” Restaurant of Future. You are invited to browse the Menu while I provide you with your host for this evening.