Gradual Rate of Change over Time = Natural
Instant/Sudden Change without Time = Unnatural, Lie, or Human Made
This lesson is repeated in Triadic Healing part #5
You recognize these two patterns and you cannot be manipulated ever again when combined with The Fools Focal Point and
This is an excellent example on How Language Compounds!
Such a clean example! This is called Akkadian :
You can view this and the whole explanation here –>
When you have any language, it doesn’t “evolve,” which changes and loses the Origin via Dormancy.
Language Compounds. It keeps the Origin and builds on it. Which is why earlier Alphabets had 10 or 12 letters or symbols, and — over time — that had 20+ or more.
We see this same pattern in countries like The United States where we began with 13 Colonies, which grew to 51 States and Territories.
Language — spoken and written — does this same thing. It Stacks and Compounds.
It does not evolve.
Cuneiform (Mesopotamia), Ogham (Celt), and Hieroglyphics (Egyptian) are the oldest Written and Spoken languages in the Western World.
This makes them The Origin.
All Languages evolved from these three. They branched off. Time — Gradual Rate of Change over Time — is Mother Nature’s Thumbprint.
This is very simple :
Gradual Rate of Change over Time = Natural
Instant/Sudden Change without Time = Unnatural, Lie, or Human Made
This is the same Mathematical Pattern that Forensic Scientists use to determine Criminal action.
Physics always follows Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
Chemistry and Biology always follows Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
The Doppler Effect is us hearing Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
Growth is Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
Evolution is the Logical Progression of Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
Logic is the Science and Study of Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
A Dance is Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
A Musical Composition is Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
A Story is Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
A Lie or “cover up” is Instant/Sudden Change without Time. 100% of the time, every time, always. Without exception.
History is Natural when we see Gradual Rate of Change over Time.
History has been tampered with when we see Instant/Sudden Change without Time.
You learn how to recognize these two patterns and no one can ever lie to you again. You can see the Lie. You can see where Someone with Intent has stepped in to make alterations, which results in Instant/Sudden Change without Time.