Course Content
Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure
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The Fool’s Focal Point is the hardest thing to see — primarily because, until now, it has had no name. 

The Fool’s Focal Point is the Red Herring that the Narcissist uses to ensure your Focal Point (RAS) in your Subconscious Mind is centered on “X” and not The Truth.

The most common Fool’s Focal Points are : 

  • Men vs. Women (Instead of The Government)
  • Democrats vs Republicans (Instead of The Government)
  • Woke vs. Conformist (Instead of The Government)
  • Christianity and Judaism (Instead of The Roman Empire)
  • Psychology vs. Holistic Healing Methods (Instead of The Educational Department)
  • The Blame Game

So long as you focus on these subjects, you are not looking at the Real Situation.

The more you argue and scream about the “Trending Hot Topics,” you are not looking at The Big Picture. 

This is why “I don’t play that game.”

Because only a Fool invests energy, time, and head space in The Fool’s Focal Point. What the Fool never notices is how the Narcissist is putting Magical Shoes on your feet that will force you to dance for all eternity. 

The dance ends when you stop looking at The Fool’s Focal Point.

This is Ancient Psychological Warfare that was invented around 1,000 BCE and mastered by Romulus (The Brother-Killer who founded Rome) in the 700 BCE and who orchestrated The Rape of The Sabine Women (Google it). Romulus was a real-life Cain who was a fucking monster. And your Educational System was made by his followers.

Narcissism is Roman Psychological Warfare with a long history that dates back to 1,000 BCE to 700 BCE, and is something Criminal Forensics and FBI are well trained in spotting.

“When you give them a Story, the Fool never looks at The Author.” It is the oldest trick in the book and one that the Fool falls for every time.