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Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure
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Logical ByPassing is not planned. It is Psychological for Survival. This right here is proof that Narcissism is Self-Preservation and is not Malicious until later and is done Subconsciously. 

How do I know? Because Logical Bypassing requires a working Knowledge in Quantum Logic to plan. 

Which means people who do this are : Logicians with Advanced knowledge in Quantum Logic or…

The Subconscious Mind did it for them. 

Logical Bypassing is when the “Power of Choice” Sequential Component — I have to invent terminology just to explain this. That is how Advanced this is — is Bypassed to prevent a Rejection Choice from being made in Conversation. 

This is a Self-Preservation Tactic. 

Logical Bypassing is done to :

Protect the Other Individual from Self-Harm or…

Protect the Self from Self-Harm. 

To do this, the Sequential Component required to make a decision is skipped Consciously and Subconsciously while calculating Safety, Conflict, and Words and Rhetoric used with Sales to “smooth out” the Logical “Skip” with Emotion to Bypass the Logical Bridge.

I am going to say again…

Emotion is used to smooth out the Logical Skip, creating a Comprehension Gap.

People feel pain when they experience a Logical Skip and Comprehension Gap. So, as a “Compounded Self-Preservation Tactic,” Narcissists Skip then Soothe. Like putting ointment on a wound. 

This breaks the Logical Comprehension of an Individual until too many Comprehension Gaps exist and “Insanity” begins. 

People who endure too much exposure to this cease to function due the surplus of Logical Comprehension in their Logic Fabric.

This is a Self-Defense Tactic that is used by the Narcissist that the Victim copies with Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response. This is the Core of Narcissist Trauma. 

“This Logical Sequential Component is Dangerous and will cause me Pain/Suffering/Danger. I will Bypass This Component to keep me safe.”

What we are really witnessing and experiencing here is TYPES of Logical Sequential Components that the Subconscious Mind has detected Mathematically and thus, has Systematically REMOVED for Self-Preservation Purposes.

Much more research on this is required and will be available at for study.


To stop it/Detect it. 

Logical Think through to make sense of things. Side Effects include : Confusion, Misunderstandings, and rethinking old decisions. 

Look for Logical Bypass and The Point of Rejection

The Point of Rejection IS what is inside this very specific type of Logical Sequential Component. 

Yes. Fear of Rejection will trigger Logical Bypassing.