Course Content
The Great Societal Shift : Welcome To The Age of Authenticity
The Learning Journey Of The Discovered Self
About Lesson

I recommend The Healing Garden and The 12 Ethics.

The reason for this is because Freudian Psychology and Modern Psychology is contaminated with corruption and are profiting from the Mental Health Crisis.

In many cases, they are predators, which is why 50% of Psychologists quit the profession and refuse to practice. See Mad In America.

Furthermore, Freudian Psychology is a chaotic mess of nonsense. They chase Symptoms and focus exclusively on problems.

Those who do mean well, are ignorantly dangerous and cause more harm than good.

It was for this reason, that I set out to redefine Psychology using Pythagorean Psychology, which I found in Philosophy. 2,000 years of data vs. 150 years of Freud.

Philosophers have long since mastered The Mind, The Subconscious, and The Defined Self through Logic.

Accurate, Ethical, Correct Education (Nutritional Knowledge) is the only way that we will be able to turn the tide of Mental Health, raise awareness, and use Strategic Deliberation to Transmute Trauma into Something Beautiful that nourishes us.

Much like fertilizer in a Garden. People need the Transmutation of Horror to Beauty to heal. They require knowledge, education, guidance, and leadership.

They need a plan.