“What is going one with the World Today!?”
“What is happening!?”
“Something is Going On… I can feel it…”
Let’s all give this Name, shall we?
The challenge with every problem is being able to recognize that you are, in fact, in a problem. This is because we are so deeply focused on what is directly in front of us within a Single Point of Mind, that we are consumed by The Problem.
Imagine what a Microbe would see within an infected body. Blind to the whole picture and the outside.
In order to see any Problem, you must look at the Whole from the outside.
Which is only obtained by Shifting your Mind and Stepping outside of the Situation. (I call this Discipline Story Stepping).
But when Society has The Problem, how do you step out to see?
Societal Omniscient Point of View. It is a Skill, indeed.
#aspiringentrepreneur #aspiringbusinessowner #Coaches #Lightworkers #innovation #management #creativity #socialentrepreneurship #education #personalbranding #sustainability #personaldevelopment #motivation #advertisingandmarketing #branding #technology #future #futurism #startups #marketing #socialnetworking #thehealingengine #thehealinggarden #annaimagination #triadichealing #thehealingjourney #healingreformation
How is this related to Mental Health? To protect you from Psychological Abuse. 100% of my work is always backed by Pythagorean Psychology so you know how to Abuse Proof You. The Healing Garden values your Mental Health and the Preservation of your Subconscious Mind. Education cures Mental Illness. Education is the Catalyst of Awareness. #mentalhealthawareness #takingaction