Emotional Education
About Lesson

If you are not Oriented, then you cannot make Optimized Decisions. Bottom Line. The only way you can get Oriented is if you have the Truth aligned to your Perspective. 

Your Emotions are the Metric that tell you just how Optimized to the Truth you are or are not. 

The 12 Ethics are inside of us, dictating which Emotions get “triggered” and sent to the Conscious Awareness. 

12 Ethics. 12 Emotions. All with “Tiers” and Varying Degrees with 144,000 Combinations. 

The only way to “get your shit together” is to be Honest and align to The Truth. 

The Truth

The Truth is not an Opinion. Opinion — in fact — is the Dichotomy of Truth. For god knows what reason, A LOT OF PEOPLE in this world Weaponize Lie to keep us from Truth so they can unnaturally “Control” their Environment. 

Our Books have been altered. 

Our Educational Systems have been altered. 

Religions have been created for this purpose. 

Parents, Teachers, Psychologists, Attorneys, Politicians… All are “in on this.”

The moment you decide to “Pursue the Truth” the Liars become obsessed with keeping it from you. 

But you can’t Orient yourself without it. And the more “Lie” you have inside of you, the more Emotional Turmoil you have. 

When you Speak, you Tell The Subconscious Mind what IS and what IS NOT. Those Words are then COMPARED to Your Intuition (your 6th Sense) and Mother Nature’s Equilibrium (Your 7th Sense).

If they MATCH, then it is TRUTH. 

If they DON’T Match, then it is a LIE.

But because we are not taught how to use our Emotions, we are not aware that they are really an Ethical Lie and Truth Detector built right inside of us. 

Cognitive Dissonance occurs when the Lie misaligns us to The Truth creating Out-Of-Phase Signals in our System.

Words and Logic Create Atoms and Move us along inside a Frequency that can be Measured. And if you are not Aligned to that Frequency Metric, then you will FEEL IT. That is what your Emotions are. 

Denying or Avoiding your Emotions, VIOLATES the Ethics and IS a Lie, which makes your Emotions LOUDER.

When you are ready to tackle Emotional Regulation, The Truth is your only Option. 

Truth or Emotional Pain. Your Choice.