Believe => Truth and Love <= Trust
Logic is the Science to get you back to Truth and Love and Logic starts with Clean Definitions and Vocabulary.
Trust. This is our Faith in Truth.
One could call this “The First Feeling.” We associate it with “Those who always stand by me” or “Those who have my back.”
When Trust has been broken repeatedly, it is lost and “Distrust” becomes a permanent State of Being. In this world, we give our Trust over and over and over… Doctors lie, Scientists lie, Parents lie, Teachers lie, We all know that Politicians, Salesman, and Attorneys lie, but now Psychologists lie.
We trust no one. In a world riddled with Trauma, Trauma survivors have learned to turn their Trust over to no one to keep themselves safe. This is a Defense Behavior that is caused by a lack of Knowledge to use Discernment and Personal Law effectively. We provide you with this information here.
Every one of those people is selling you something… except your Parents. Your Parents were either too Mentally Ill to love you properly or to undereducated to know how to parent you properly.
I’m not asking you to trust me. Not at all. Nor am I selling you anything. I am fighting for you regardless of how you feel about me. I don’t need your love or your trust to provide you with what I have here. Nourish others Nourishes me. That is what I gain from this regardless of whether or not you come and drink from The Healing Garden. My putting out “this water” is what Nourishes me. It is your choice to Drink.
That’s why I give away my knowledge and wisdom for free. Because I know how much you need it. Because I love you that much. But this deed Nourishes me.
Why should I care about you? A stranger? How can I even love if you I don’t know you? Because the knowledge I have is rare — unheard of — and inside that knowledge I learned something that made me realize just how much I love one thing so deeply, that is inside each and every one of us : Love. Humanity. The Desire to Live Ethically and Grow.
Your commitment. Your passion and dedication to want to be a good person and to do what is right. Because I know, deep — DEEP down, you love yourself, even though you don’t know it or can’t see it. Because I know that at the core of all Humanity — inside each and every one of us is the drive to be a good person. And I know you most likely have not had any one fighting for you.
You’ve probably been alone and lost. You’ve probably been confused and bogged down with despair. I have walked your shoes like you would not believe. And I walked every step alone.
Now I made it through. And the Journey I walked to get me through taught me things that NO ONE has yet learned because I took a different path. A path NO ONE has not walked. And that unwalked path taught me things no one has learned before.
And when I made it through, the only thing I could think of was getting this knowledge to you so that YOU could make it out. So what is my agenda? To pass down what I have learned so that everyone can make it out. Why do I love you? Because you are a GOOD PERSON. Because the Love that beats inside of you is the same Love inside of me. Why should you trust me? You don’t have to. I am asking you to Trust your SELF.
My tools — the knowledge I am gifting you here — is just the tools I used to learn to Trust my Self so that I could use ALL of Mother Nature to get me through and out. So you don’t have to trust me. I’m rooting for you no matter what you decide. Every one of the Tools you learn here at the Garden empowers your Intuition and your Subconscious Mind so they get stronger, so you become more Independent. So you become more Self-Authoritative. So you become more Autonomous.
But maybe… maybe… my unwalked path known by no other just might help you get through yours.
I love you, which, as you will come to learn in The Healing Garden, means I Nourish You to Grow.
Anna Imagination