“I feel X. I need to be Honest about Disgust and Ethics.”
Stage #3 of Consumption
Rumination. Or Obsession is a Vigilance for Self-Preservation. It is a Protection of You or Others.
Basically, you have a secret. A BIG ONE that the Subconscious Mind is keeping from you. And this Secret is information that will require you to Change… Only… “It is not safe to Change.”
So Self-Preservation turns that Information into “A Secret” that it holds back from you — Conscious Awareness.
And it BUILDS behind a wall that is too weak to hold it.
The Rumination/Obsession is the constant “Don’t let your guard down!” reminder from your Subconscious Mind to “Keep that weak wall up” to “Hold the Secret Back” because the Mind believes that “It is not safe to Change.”
Obsession hits when the Obsessor is Disgusted at the Ethical Violation of another (A Loved One), but they are accused by that Loved One or are afraid of being accused of being Jealous.
“Jealous” is a Gaslight Label that Abusers use to avoid the Disgust people feel toward them.
Obsession can be used by your Subconscious Mind to prevent You — Conscious Awareness — from saying something “hurtful” to someone you Love. <– This one is Big… When we love someone, we want to protect them from Us or The Truth. And if they do something we don’t like, “The Secret” becomes about our Conscious Awareness staying “ignorant” to the lack of Ethics of someone we love.
Ask “Why do I need this Obsession?”
“What do I gain from having this Obsession?”
“What will I lose if I am not Obsessed?”
“If I am not Obsessed, then I [Fill In the blank].”
This may take many attempts to dig out.