I have never felt this emotion. I have no idea what it feels like. I’ve never been humiliated. I have no idea… Degradation…
I have absolutely no understanding of this emotion. Based on what my subs have told me, it is related to embarrassment.
I have an Empty Data in my Mind for this one.
My daughter says it is the feeling like you value their opinion of you… No… I have NEVER felt this in my life. I DON’T GIVE a shit what people think of me.
Never have. Interesting… Not once. I felt ANGER… Just anger. I knew they were wrong and Unethical thus, I did not value their opinion of me.
I cannot advise you on this one. I am sorry.
I am Theater and Stage, Nudist, and Exhibitionist… I have NO… I wonder if this was a defense I… Just nothing…
A feeling like your Community doesn’t accept you!!
She says… This is fascinating! I just have NONE of this. I have never had Community. I… am a Citizen of One. I always have… LONELINESS… That is MY emotion… Oh… That would be why…