Emotional Education
About Lesson

From The Anxiety Family

Overwhelm (from the Anxiety Family) –> Stage #1 of Anxiety. “Slow Down. You need to organize this and make a plan, which we can do.” (We show you how) Make a Plan and then Take Action. Reclaim your Freedom. 

Anxiety (from the Anxiety Family) –> This is Stage #2 of Anxiety. It means “You really need to Slow Down. You need to organize this and make a plan, which we can do.” Take Action and Transfer your Anxiety Energy into Words then Make a Plan and Take Action. Reclaim your Freedom. 

Panic (from the Anxiety Family) –> This is Stage #3 of Anxiety. It means “I will make you Slow Down by shutting you down because you did not organize this and make a plan, which we can do.” Take Action and Transfer your Anxiety Energy into Words then Make a Plan and Take Action. Reclaim your Freedom. 

Depression (from the Anxiety Family) –> Late Stages of Anxiety when Anxiety has become you. A State of Being. Not an Emotion. This is what Prolonged Anxiety becomes when it’s been suppressed for too long. It moves into your Chest and containers Love, replacing Love. Take Action and Transfer your Anxiety Energy into Words then Make a Plan and Take Action. Reclaim your Freedom.