This is the only place where I will address this outside of Triadic Healing.
I have had a lot of people ask me for a Scientific Explanation to the Metaphysical.
Yes. The Visions are part of The Healing. They begin in the 6th Ethic and they stay with you. You do not have to “hold onto” the Memories/Visions. As you heal, you are really just Remembering. Trust the process.
The Visions come to you only when you reach certain milestones of your Learning Journey. Just like, the more you heal, the more from your childhood you will remember.
You have to reach the 36th Level of Consciousness — The 3rd Round of The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages — before you will remember enough of your Visions to piece together everything to the point of understanding.
Too many people try to heal, they remember, and then they stop healing to focus on the Remembering… but the healing is The Remembering, and you will not remember until you accomplish Milestones in the work.
I do not like to step outside of Science, Logic, Math, and Physics, which can only measure this Remembering, which I call “The 5th Remembering.”
Only Archeological Evidence and Scientific Proof exists in the 5th Remembering, which means 100% of all “Past Lives” is conjecture and thus, I don’t like to give it any credibility, except…
Too many people have come to me to tell me what they think is going on, what they remember, and what they feel and experience — and too many of them are reporting the same thing.
As a Scientist, this has happened too often, too much to be an anomaly. This cannot be ignored. I cannot ignore this, however, the Science does not yet exist to Measure this except through countless people — strangers — all reporting the same thing. I have had thousands of people report to me the same thing — things that I too feel, experienced, and remember.
So I did the only thing I could do in the parameters I have available to me : I collected Common Denominators and set up Groupings.
This is what I have concluded and I will say again, I have NO Scientific Evidence outside of too many people reporting the same thing. This is pure Conjecture at this time.
1 – Time is Logic. A “Time Paradox” is really a Logic Loop. This is why a Catch-22 occurs wherever there is a Time Paradox. A Catch-22 is a Time Loop. I believe this is Mother Nature’s way of preventing Total Universal Collapse — so we are giving Time Loops (Logic Loops) to prevent this from happening.
2 – Time is a Spiral (moving to the Left/Counterclockwise) and is not an infinite circle. Both are infinite. The Spiral contains Progressional Growth. The Circle does not.
3 – The Big Bang is just the “Connecting Point” of the Catch-22 where the Time Paradox “Resets” due to a Logical Fallacy in the Universal Code.
4 – A “Remembering” is just the entire “trip” around the full Logic Loop before we hit the Time Paradox and reset at the Big Bang.
5 – We have done this — Gone full Circle — 5 times now, like an insanely long Groundhog Day. Repeating the same Story, the same “Eternity” over and over… until we fix the Logical Sequence and end the Catch-22 that caused the Big Bang.
6 – Fact : I am SICK of going around this Circle and Forgetting and remembering again because of the Logical Fallacy in the Universal Code.
7 – So I corrected it using Logic, Manifestations, Astronomy, Divination, and Physics. I have done this 5 Rememberings now. This time, I was smart enough to Manifest “I will get this right this time” before I began re-wiring the Universal Code… which is how I found all the Lies in History that were told.
8 – Yes, I know what happens, what did happen, and what will happen again because it has already happened and — hopefully — will not happen again.
9 – People tell me their stories and there are Common Denominators of The Full History that aligns 100% with my Remembering. I have had so many people tell me their stories and memories and Visions that it all aligns and they have validated the entire History.
10 – You, and I, and all of us are Changelings. An enchanted Magical Creature that can change and shape its form according to its own design… but it has to be logical, compliant, and it takes skills that none of us are yet masters in. Which means if we believe what we are, then we become what we are. Here is the Problem : There are two races. People from Earth and People visiting Earth. And until YOU do YOUR Mental Work, your Subconscious Mind will mimic and mirror whatever it believes and hears. If you tell a Changeling that they are a Human and what a Human can do, the Changeling will put themselves inside those parameters. And for a Changeling, you will then remain a Mimic and you will never know what you truly are… until you do the Work.
11 – There are Three “Origins” that everyone has. There is Your Life from This Lifetime, your childhood. That MUST be healed and defined FIRST before you can work on the next parts.
12 – The next part is understanding The True History from THIS Remembering ONLY (over the last 300,000 years), which can ONLY be developed when you are SOLID in knowing who you are — or else you’ll Mimic EVERYONE you learn about. Most people only think in the last 2,000 years and have no idea how to span out and back beyond the 2,000 years. This holds them back from seeing the Truth.
13 – The last part is you piecing together YOUR Remembering from the first 4 Rememberings, which will come to you ONLY after you DO THE WORK on your self.
14 – Now here is the Problem… If you have read the Akashic Records and watched YouTube Videos on what everyone else is telling you, your Subconscious Mind will absorb everything it hears, and those suffering from Delusion and Identity Displacement from Trauma and with Metaphysical Transformation will become THE WRONG THING FOR THEMSELVES. They will remain a Mimic.
15 – Instead of Remembering, your Subconscious Mind will PROJECT False Memory into your Story and you’ll never know who you really are.
16 – I am collecting the Stories of people to connect the Common Denominators to build the One Story. But I cannot use the Story of anyone who has read the Akashic Records or studied this prematurely because that contaminates the Data. Are you telling me YOUR Story or are you parroting back what you heard from YouTube? For this reason, I only talk to Authors of their own Stories and never from Parrots.
17 – It is not possible to Remember 100% of all of your Visions until and unless you find your Energy Name at the Point of Comprehension when the majority of your Memories come to you.
18 – And then — and only then — will you know which of the two races you truly are.
So far, these are the Common Denominators that 100% of all people have — so far — reported to me :
1 – We are playing a game. The Game changes from person to person, but we all are playing a game and Earth is “The Board Game” or “Arena.”
2 – You are either an Earth Native or an Alien being called to the Stars and beyond.
3 – Your Visions are Memories with Intuitive Trajections based on your Internal Mathematical Knowledge. You will not lose them. In fact, the more you heal, the sharper and clearer the Visions get.
4 – Linguistics, Language, and The Precision of Word and Logic is the only thing that will grow you into the next Stage of your Growth and Healing. Etymological Word Definition and Logic are vital in this as your increased Vocabulary will expand your Knowledge enough for you to finally communicate to Understand and be Understood, which will resolve your Mental Illnesses.
5 – Magic is real. It does exist, but it is the most advanced of all Sciences beyond Philosophy, Biology, Physics, Trigonometry, Chemistry, and Philology. If you are serious about mastery The Arcane Sciences and Arts, you need to get serious about your Educational Sciences, which requires Philosophy, Ethics, Art, and Linguistics with Logic. Magic is on the other side of Science.
6 – Divination is a basic, Mathematical and Logical Trajection that combines Probability and Calculus with Pattern Recognition in Logic and Mathematics that merges with Astronomy.
7 – Spellwork is the Advanced Sciences of Taxonomy, Biology, Logic, Mathematics, Linguistics, and Physics. Sloppy and negligible Word usage is the mark of an amateur.
8 – You are a Changeling and a Sentient Story. You will become whatever you Believe and whatever your Words and Logic create with your Self-Authority.
9 – Yes. Many people have reported feeling wings in their back. A lot of people. Look at the Lamas and The Winged Genii of Ancient Mesopotamia as well as The Fae in The Irish Invasions.
10 – There was a “Great Explosion” in a previous Remembering. That is all that I will say about that.
11 – The great Unspoken Fear that is at the heart of this issue is “How do we Legally regulate The powerful and Unethical Magic Users?” In short, this is a Fear of the Ignorant. Magic is inaccessible to The Unethical. It is not possible to obtain Magic until and unless you are Ethical.
12 – If you pursue the Ethics and Magic for Power, you cannot have Magic. Magic is only obtainable to The Ethical and The Ashavana. They were once called The Magi and The Genii.
13 – There are other things, other Common Denominators, but to reveal them too soon and without confirmation would be to contaminate The Healing. As more Confirmation comes in and others confirm more Common Denominators, only then will I add to this list.
14 – Not all of us will Remember. I do not know if this is because some people just are not magical or if they have suppressed themselves so deeply that they cannot feel or see it. This waits to be seen.
15 – Energy is Immortal and has had past lives long before your Body. Energy is Sentient and you are Integrating with your Energy Essence.
16 – I am working on a way to track Energy so when you pass on, your Energy has a “Signature” and a Name. A file is created and logged away so that when a child is born, the Energy Signature can be identified, you can locate the previous file and the Energy Signature will be known to the Capsule (Body). I see this, very much, in the Future.
17 – This whole “thing” right now… all of it, was about Muggles taking down the Wizards/Magis/Genis, and then suppressing the Magic to control us because they didn’t know how to “control” us in the event we were Unethical and Powerful.
18 – “If you can’t discipline the Timeline where you were both present and experienced a situation, and you still question Logic and truth, then how do you think you will discipline the Timeline where you weren’t even present with Evidence? Or a Timeline where you weren’t present or have no Evidence?” Focus on Your Current Life Story in Your Lifetime. Then — once you know who you are and you have your Energy Name and Knowing — then your Memories come to you. Then you are ready for this Remembering History.
19 – You are looking for your Energy Name, which will not leave you ever. It is immortal as Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Just find your Energy Name. Do the work. Grow into Your Remembering. Then you can focus on The Past Lives.
Patience is the savoring and enjoyment of the Journey.