This is the #1 thing I hear from people.
First, you do not have a “Money Block.”
What people have is a Self-Authority and Self-Worth Problem partnered with a Self-Preservation Problem and an Ethical Dilemma combined with The Forbidden Fruit Paradox topped off with The Placebo Effect.
Being told that you have “Imposter Syndrome” or “A Money Block” creates a Placebo Effect in the Subconscious Mind that invents additional “Money Problems” that you didn’t have before someone told you that you have “A Money Block.”
What you really have is an Ethical Dilemma. — “It is Unethical to charge money to people for Basic Life Essentials that are required to Live.”
This is an Advanced Ethic that comes to those with a High Ethical Maturity, and it is one that is not understood or permitted in our current Society.
The Healing Garden is built — 100% — around this Ethic to give those who have learned this Ethic a way to build wealth without violating their Ethical Law.
What those people require is called a Triadic Trade, which requires 3 or more entities within the Business Transaction. The Healing Garden has Mastered The Triadic Trade and trains our Students in this.
The Forbidden Fruit Paradox is a symptom of compromised Self-Authority that is conflicted with Self-Preservation. — “If I claim my Authority, then I will be rejected by my Parents, which will compromise my survival and threaten my life due to early childhood rejection.”
Your Self-Worth may be conflicted with your desire for Love, which Nourishes your Growth. — “If I take from others, then I harm them, and then I won’t be loved, resulting in my inability to grow.”
The Forbidden Fruit Paradox is the lack of Authority one feels to Claim their own Authority until someone in Authority gives them Authority to Claim their own Authority, or else they will get in trouble with Authority.
Which is why Authority can — it must — only exist within The Self.
Simple lack of Financial and/or Business Education.
If you could identify with any of these subjects here, then The Healing Garden is very much for you, and you will find the solutions here.
Money is addressed in Power Economics located in Triadic Healing Part #2 and Triadic Healing part #3. It is strongly recommended that you complete Triadic Healing Part #1 first.
It is also addressed in our Course, Mother Nature’s Business Model. We also cover it in our Kindle Vella Novel Brain to Books For Business.