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Adults are assholes to Children. 

No matter how I slice this, people are just mean and rude to Children. I asked parents, “The things you say to your child, would you say them to another adult?”

“No! Never!” they said. 

“Then why are you saying them to a Child?”

We are rude, disrespectful, and mean bullies to Children. This teaches Children to be rude, disrespectful, and mean bullies to everyone. 

Respect is the most abused and greatly understood concept in all of Parenting. Compliments of the Baby Boomer Generation. 

Respect is not something “you earn.”

Respect is something you are TAUGHT. 

Respect is something you RECIPROCATE.

Disrespect is Humiliation and Degradation and a lack of Worth. 

Respect is Honor and Kindness and Value.

Manners and kindness is Respect. It shows people that you Love them and Value them. 

The only way to teach a child respect is only by respecting them. 

Children are Mirrors of Your Behavior. 

If your child screams and throws a tantrum, this is because YOU have violated the child and have neglected them. 

If your child is “spoiled” and ungrateful, this is because YOU have taught them ungratefulness. 

If your child disrespects you, it is because YOU have greatly disrespected your Child. 

The best of Parents Empower their children and are their child’s Cheerleaders. They praise them with Encouragement. They treat their child like they “CAN” do it, because they believe they “CAN” do it.  And so the child believes they CAN do it. And so the Child DOES do it. 

Hug your child. Comfort them NOT to “stop” them from feeling, but to let them know that they are loved no matter what. 

Life teaches your child. Not you. 

Life is hard. You do not have to make it harder for your child to learn any lesson. 

You are not qualified to teach your child. Only Mother Nature and Life is qualified to do that. 

Your child is closer to Mother Nature than you are. Your child hasn’t had Society and Teachers pound out all of Nature from them yet. Humble yourself and turn your Child into YOUR teacher.

Learn from your Child. 

Your Child is Naturally doing what comes Naturally to them. You Mimic your Child. Learn from them what is Natural. Learn how to cook together. Learn how to Natural together. 


We become what we are treated like we are.