Unlike all other schools, we have no age limit. We are the School for Life learners with a solid focus on Preparing the Parent and Adult for Parenting, Self-Parenting, and Adulting.
This is a DIY School for Independent, Critical and Analytical Thinkers, and for Parents who want these traits in their Children.
We cover all the Subjects you should have learned in school and didn’t and are designed and set up to supplement your Current Education, Guide your Overall Education, Nourish your Life Journey, and/or step in as Supervisor and Guide to your Children’s Journey.
We are the All-In-One Nourishment Center from 2 to Infinity. The moment your child is out of Diapers, we open the doors to anyone and everyone.
Are you a Soon-To-Be Parent Expecting? Are you thinking about having Children and want to get a head start? We onboard you the moment you start thinking about your Child’s Future and train you on Parenting Education and the Preparations you need to be taking at Home prior to Formal Education.
We take all Naturally Born Life-Learners (That is everyone) and we keep them all Life-Learners. We merge Mental Health Knowledge, Wellness, and Fitness with Vegetarian-Vegan Lifestyles while we Focus heavily on Art, Communication, Logic, Science, and Education to bring them all together in Integrated Learning.
If you or your child wants to grow on to Higher Education, we walk you through that process.
Our Graduation does not have an Expiration Date. The Urgency is removed from the Learning Process as much as possible to prioritize Mental Health above Deadlines.
Instead, we train our Students how to Manage their own Learning Journey one Stepping Stone at a time.