Supervisors will be highly trained in Socratic Method and in Role Model Learning. The Supervisor will have their own Lesson they will be Learning. Whatever the Student is required to do, they are required to do.
If the Student must read, so too must The Supervisor. If the Student is required to cook, so too must The Supervisor. If the Student must choose a Skill to Develop, so too must The Supervisor.
The Supervisor must practice Observation and Listening Skills to Open to Receive. They must utilize Open-Ended Questions. This shows the Student how to be a Student and how to learn, which activates the Student’s Mimic-Mirror-Repetition Response.
Once the Student reaches “Tradesmen” Level, the Student will become to “set the example” and Role Model themselves. Instead of “telling,” they will do and allow the Students to follow until the Student is confident enough to break off.
In addition, the Supervisor will present Tradesmen and Master Quality so the Student can see the Master Quality and Aspire to Become.
The Supervisor will role Model The Learning Journey with Patience, Appreciation, and Savoring. This too will show the Student how to use Patience for the Learning Process.
As the Supervisor “gets bored” with the Subject they are studying, they are strongly encouraged to “Follow their Intuition and change up their Learning” to Role Model Self-Learning Regulation for the Student.
All Learning is toggling between Research and Discussion and Creation. Over and over again. Show the Student this through doing and Role Model it.