One of the few Courses Supervisors Teach is Reading and Writing. We recommend Khan Academy for this, and we strongly recommend Performance and Imagination to be added to the Reading.
Theater and Stage is close to Reading and Writing and Imagination is overflowing. Take advantage of this.
The Focus needs to be on Fluency, Projection, Articulation, and the Practice of Flow. There is a Metric and a Pulse to Reading.
Poetry aids this. Spelling and Word Building Nourish this. Putting them all together brings this out.
If they make a mistake, have them begin the sentence over.
Instructing children in Self-Forgiveness, Patience with the Learning Process, and gentle reminder of The Learning Journey through Apprentice, Tradesmen, to Master is vital in this process.
No one is born a Master.
Cursive can be covered at 2nd Grade and only for a few weeks. It is not mandatory nor required and it hinders reading Books… which are only ever printed… in print… which is why it’s called “Print.”