One of the things The Healing Garden prides itself on is the amount we work with the Parent-Headmaster to prepare the Parent for Parenting before the child is even born.
It is the Supervisor who will be working closely with the Headmaster on how best to instruct the Headmaster.
Headmasters will range from DFY due to their workload to Walkthrough to The DIY Headmasters.
Supervisors will direct Headmasters to this course and simply explain what a Headmaster is followed. by, “Are you a DFY Headmaster, a Walkthrough Headmaster, or a DIY Headmaster.
The DFY Headmasters will need a Supervisor who oversees everything for them. No matter what the Headmaster decides, the Supervisor must follow the same Curriculum and Agenda, to Nourish the Self-Sufficiency of the Student so that, at 8 years old, the Student is managing their own Learning Journey.
Supervisors host Bi-Annual Meetings for Pre-Kindergarten Parents so they can prepare their child for their Educational Journey.
Parents who are Expecting are welcome to join these meetings to get an early start on their Child’s Education.
The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Human Growth and Evolution are the Primary Focal Point of the Pre-Kindergarten Headmaster Training.
The On-Sight Facilities will provide Pre-School Environment for 2 years to 5 years, which is easily converted to Kindergarten when the Student reaches that age.