Supervisors are not permitted to use any child’s Educational System for their own Hidden Agenda.
Religion and Politics and Ethics are not to be discussed by Supervisors. This is for the Trainer only. Any Supervisor teaching with Bias will be removed from The Healing Garden immediately.
Bias and Opinion is not permitted or tolerated by Supervisors. Supervisors are required to retired Personal Beliefs at the door. The Child must be free to Explore and Discover without Influence.
Students Trust and they come to Learn with Open Mind, which is Vulnerable. For this reason, Supervisors are required to protect the Child’s Open Mind and Subconscious Mind by keeping their Opinions and Beliefs away from the Child.
To not do so is considered one of the greatest offenses to Education, Truth, Knowledge, and Learning. The Agenda is for the Child to be free to discover The Truth on their own without the Influence of Others, Government, Educators, Adults, Politicians, or Activists.
The “How To Learn” Course included in The Learning Journey includes the Lessons “Learning to Identify Bias” and “How to locate multiple Perspectives to obtain “both sides” of a Point of View.” We train our Students how to recognize Bias Opinion, and how to protect their Minds from it.
The Healing Garden is a Science, Ethics, Logic, and Philosophy-based School. No Politics or Religion will be tolerated here except under the Tutelage of Trainers of Philosophy where they examine Theology in Existentialism.
On a personal note, I personal do not teach Theological classes because I cannot do so without the Bias, so I select a Philosopher who can.