If you wish to submit yourself as a Trainer for The Healing Garden, we will only evaluate your Ethics, Skill Quality, and your Communication Quality. Nothing else.
“If you do cannot explain something simply, then you do not understand it well enough.” – Einstein
We don’t care if you are Self-Taught (We passionately support the Self-Taught Community and Life Learners). We do not look at Credentials, Status, Fame, Degrees, or Reputation. All of that can be faked.
Your Quality in Communication and Skills and your Ethics speak for themselves.
A background and Criminal check will be conducted before you gain access to our Students.
If you have a YouTube Channel that you would like to submit for consideration, you can submit your work to Anna. We prefer a wide-variety of Trainers to provide our Students with the wide range of Learning Resources.
You can contact Anna through any of the Courses once you are enrolled as a Student (Which is Free).