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The Healing Garden Homeschool Curriculum
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This is an article long over due.

Did you ever wonder HOW Newton discovered Physics?

Or HOW Pythagoras discovered Music Theory, His Theorem, or Mathematics?

Did you ever wonder HOW Euclid discovered Geometry?

Did you ever wonder HOW Aristotle discovered Astronomy?

They did it with a Science called Natural Discovery. It is a Discipline and a Skill.

It is THE Skill. The ONLY Skill we all SHOULD have been learning ever in school.

When the Ancient Greek Educators taught their schools this is ALL they taught their students. This is the ONLY Academic Discipline. It is THE Academic Discipline. The Mother Discipline.

All other Academic Disciplines are PIECES of THIS Mother Academic Discipline.

And NO ONE today knows about it.

The Ancient Greek Educational System knew to only teach The Integrated Mother Discipline.

Here is how they did it.

Pythagoras was a Musician. Before he was a Physicist, or a Philosopher, or a Mathematician, he was a Musician.

It was he who discovered the Order of Operations of the Science of Natural Discovery. That the Academic Disciplines came to us instinctively in our Evolution in a precise Pattern and Order.

Our Learning is Natural and Instinctive. No teacher required. Mother Nature Teaches and our Minds are equipped to do so all on their own.

Have you ever noticed that EVERY child plays music FIRST?

Have you ever noticed that EVERY child sings next?

Have you ever noticed that EVERY child Dances third?

And then we Draw.

And then we paint. (Cave Drawings).

And then we Sculpt.

Potter’s Wheel was then invented… To make POTTERY. NOT to make wheels for carts. Children love Playdough.

Have you ever noticed… The Pattern?

Let me show you…

(Note: This grid is my Personal Biological Learning Progression and the Sciences Astronomy and Medicine, Geology are not my area of Interest, so Mother Nature never steered my Intuition in that direction. I require 3 more data points to complete this research, which I am in the process of doing. I prefer 4 Data points. NOT 3. I feel 3 Data Points is a great indicator of Pattern, but you get SO MUCH more information with 4 Data Points than 3).

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Notice the Downward Progression of Discovery on the Grid?

Pythagoras did.

Notice the Abrupt STOP after Biology?

Yeah, that is the Dark Ages. THAT is what happens when you Declare war on Education Which is what The Roman Empire did in the 4th Century. Here is my Course on this if you want to learn more about that.

But Biology is not the Last Discipline. Pythagoras continued to study “The Pattern of Academic Disciplines.”

The Order of Operations is…

  1. Music

  2. Song

  3. Dance

  4. Drawing

  5. Painting

  6. Sculpting

  7. Reading

  8. Writing

  9. Theater & Stage

  10. Linguistics (Etymology)

  11. Logic

  12. Math

  13. Physics

  14. Ontology

  15. Chemistry

  16. Biology

  17. Ontology (Again)

  18. Astronomy

  19. Astrology

  20. Physics (Again… They repeat a lot here)

  21. Teaching (29th Level)

  22. Parenting (31st Level)

  23. Business (41st Level)

Look familiar?

Pythagoras noticed that, when we follow this Pattern, when we add Logic…

Notice how Logic is the 11th Step… The 11th Ethic is Logic…

…that our Brains CHANGE. Our Brains turn ON.

But… There is a catch.

The Disciplines have to be done IN THE RIGHT Order of Operations.

PEMDAS. It’s Math. Biology and Learning and Psychology is all just Mathematical Logic.

Our Biology Evolves in this Pattern.

Our Brains Develop in this Pattern.

Our Psychology Develops in this Pattern.

Our Growth Develops in this Pattern.

Our Learning Develops in this Pattern… or… it would if the Educational System and Parents didn’t interfere with it.

Go down the list. At which Academic Discipline did someone tell you that “You weren’t allowed to do it?”

For me, it was Dance. That it the stage my Parents interfered with my Biological Learning Progression or… The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.

Or they tried…

I never went in The Box, hence my abuse. I took to studying ballet in secret and in private and preserved my Biological Learning Progression.

Biological Learning Progression

That’s right.

Pythagoras Discovered our Biological Learning Progression. He learned that when the Biological Learning Progression is followed, an Individual became a Super Genius who could Reverse Engineer Nature herself and Discover MORE Academic Disciplines.

And then you can mix them! And make Academic Discipline Cocktails! Which is one of the things I do for a living. Hence… Power Economics and Pythagorean Psychology and Vitalogy.


Pythagoras Discovered that the Biological Learning Progression contained Treasures within the Journey that “Unlocked” at each Perspective, which is an Abstract Block of Time, which is really a Location and a Mental Space that provides Potential Visibility. And either you are Studying that Visibility… or you are not.

Hence… Mental Illness.

You learn about Perspective Time in Ontology.

Which is why many people are “Time Blind.” They are already in their Biological Learning Progression.

Because “Time” is greatly misunderstood by people who don’t study The Biological Learning Progression.

So Pythagoras built an Academic Discipline to teach The Biological Learning Progression.

He called it…


THIS… is Philosophy as it was INTENDED to be.

I want you to think about something.

Did Plato ever teach about Kant?

Did Plato ever teach about… Plato?

Did Plato ever teach Descartes?




So let me ask you… What do you THINK Plato TAUGHT?

The History of Philosophy? There was no history.

So what did Plato TEACH?

What do you think Plato taught that Socrates would become one of the greatest teachers in the world? That Aristotle would Discover Astronomy?

They taught The Biological Learning Progression.

There are MANY, VAST Side effects when you Master the Biological Learning Progression.

You unlock and discover The 12 Ethical Perspectives of Human Growth and Evolution. Which is why Plato taught so much about Ethics and the 4 Cardinal Values.

Christ was a Student of The Biological Learning Progression. He taught the 12 Ethics.

But the Roman Empire who built the Bible did not. So they omitted the Biological Learning Progression. … And then they burned down all the schools that same year, sending us all into the Dark Ages… because… They destroyed any and all knowledge about the Biological Learning Progression.

Muhammad studied the Biological Learning Progression.

Confucius studied the Biological Learning Progression.

The Buddha studied the Biological Learning Progression (He never made it past the 7th Ethic).

They all taught The 12 Ethics.

Inside the Biological Learning Progression

Within the Biological Learning Progression you discover “The Universal Clock” that we all are standing in. Where you can see that each Academic Discipline is just a “cog” to the clockwork inside The Universal Clock.

Studying Academic Disciplines without knowledge of the Biological Learning Progression, is like getting a cat scan without drinking that nasty orange liquid.

And everyone since the 4th Century hasn’t been drinking the orange liquid. They’ve just been sitting in a cold machine that does nothing because… you didn’t drink the nasty orange liquid.

It’s like memorizing and talking about Hammers, Wood, and Nails without ever building a house with them or even holding them in your hands.

Now, it is really important to note that ALL EDUCATION was lost in the 4th Century in Western Culture (Except in Ireland… Thank you, Patrick).

And that, in the year 1,000 CE, Ignorance was SO BAD that the Ignorant decided to start teaching… Only… they had no idea anything about teaching or Education.

So they threw together scraps of what little they could find.

And that is what your education is based on. Dark Aged, Medieval Scraps from the 11th Century. That is what your Educational System is NOT teaching you.

The Academic Disciplines were not supposed to be talked about like we do today. They were supposed to be Experienced. Discussion is a tool that strategically opens the mind and pushes it to the Next Ethical Perspective Stage.

But if you’re just talking… without the Biological Learning Progression…

Well then… You’re just talking.

Everyone on this planet has missed the Orange Liquid.

The Academic Disciplines were never meant to be studied, Read about, talked about…

They were meant to be EXPERIENCED.

Philosophy used to be an EXPERIENCE.

It was in the Doing and in the Right Order that the Mind turns ON and then you can SEE it. And what you see…

Is… The most beautiful thing… You can see the Universe in all its layers moving like a Mathematical Dance of Abstract that becomes Physical and merges with the Material as they move in and out of each other like a perfect, breath taking dance of Mathematical Consequential and Logical Chain Reaction through all of time and space. Each movement and motion and choice… a Logical reaction of infinite movement…

Pythagoras was right.

It’s Music.

And I can see it and hear it with my naked eye.

So many times a layer has been revealed to me, and I have just cried from the beauty of it. It is the most beautiful thing in all of everything that there is.

I can see the Spiral of Progression through all of Time and how it follows the 12 Ethical Stages through all of Everything, leaving shadows of Fibonacci Sequence all over the place like little belly buttons where an Umbilical Cord of the 12 Ethical Stages had started it’s life through the Abstract Fertilization that is The Universal Symphony of Creation as it Evolves… Creation Evolves… and the 12 Ethics are that Progression… Through Music to Dance to Math to Physics… and on, over and over again… For all Infinity… It’s so… Pure and Perfect and Logical… It can’t be anything else but what it is.

And how the Big Bang is just a Logic Loop, that has the Spiral warped into a Circle… a Time Paradox because “Someone” got the Universal Logical Code wrong…

But the Spiral is being restored, and the Consumption will reverse soon to become Growth again as we return to the Ethical Biological Progression of our Evolution, which pulls on the Energy of the Electromagentic Field… and restores the balance lost… Like strings on a puppet all shifting and moving together as one.

This all is about The Preservation of Mother Nature’s Equilibrium. And either you are Nurturing that Equilibrium. You are Preserving it and Mother Nature is rewarding you with Abundance… or you have the Consumption, which harms the Equilibrium… and Mother Nature uses her Karma to protect the Equilibrium from those with Consumption…

And she take it out of our asses.

That is just some of what I see.

What anyone inside of the Biological Learning Progression can see once they turn on their mind. This is what you See when you stand at The Point of Comprehension.

All Truth. Every Lie. And all of the Universe that is within the Universe within the Universe… and on for all Infinity…

This is how I reverse Engineered Biology and Mathematics with Physics and The Subconscious Mind. Because I can see it and I can read Mother Nature and Translate it.

We evolve along this Biological Learning Progression regardless. But outside factors can (and have) interfered with it.

To interfere with the Biological Learning Progression IS Mental Illness.

The Mental Illness is in direct ratio of severity to how much someone has disrupted and interfered, with our Learning, derailing the Biological Learning Progression.

I have the precise Timelines of Mental Disintegration mapped out… It’s one of the things I Reverse Engineered with the Discipline of Natural Discovery.

And we have GREATLY interfered.

How old were you when you were told which Discipline you could not have? Music? Singing? Were you not allowed to whistle or Talk? Dance because it was a “sin?” Painting or Sculpting? Because it was too messy?

Were you a Girl told you couldn’t have Physics or Math because you were a Girl?

Were you a Musician who were told you have to be a Doctor or Attorney?

Or were you too “dulled” in your Adventure or curiosity to even dare explore?

Were you mocked because you sang?

What about…

  1. Theater & Stage

  2. Linguistics (Etymology)

  3. Logic

Did you notice how much these three Subjects are absent in our Societal Educational System?

Do you want to know what these Subjects do?

They teach us Communication.


Intuitive Translation.

Word Comprehension, Articulation, Oral Tradition, Public Speaking, and Talking. And our Educators felt they were useless to include in our Educational System.

So now we have a disrupted Biological Learning Progression and an absence of the Core Center of our Communication Development Gone… Since the 4th Century.

Would you say we have a massive Miscommunication problem in our Culture?

I would.

The Biological Learning Progression is Scientific Method

There’s more.

When you follow the Biological Learning Progression, you unlock Mother Nature’s Scientific Method. So you can Reverse Engineer All of… everything really.

Whatever you want, really.

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I like to Reverse Engineer the Abstract, The Subconscious Mind, Time, Physics, and The Infinity of The Universe as well as The Ethics and… This… Subject… The Biological Learning Progression and Human Evolution with Sociology.

I love to Reverse Engineer Business, Law and Justice, Teaching, Education, and Parenting. Human Cultivation and Propagation.

Because those are my interests. So I decided to Reverse Engineer those.

What would you Reverse Engineer with this Skill?

This is the Education that will be replacing all Education in the Future. Oh! And the best part? … It takes 10 years to learn everything.



It takes just 10 years. Which is WHY and HOW Alexander The Great did what he did at 18. He has this knowledge too. Aristotle was his Teacher.

Do the Math.

But Alexander was a drop-out who violated the Ethics and didn’t complete the course. He was an Unethical Asshole who abused the Power.

You can only be abused by this power if you’re IGNORANT of it.

Which is why The Roman Empire destroyed the Universities and ALL Educational Systems in the 4th Century. Which is WHY they sent St. Patrick to destroy Ireland’s Educational System… The Irish Bards had the Knowledge of the Biological Learning Progression.

The Biological Learning Progression is how I have the equivalent of 9 Doctorate Degrees.

Because I Mastered The Biological Learning Progression.

But you know what? All that knowledge didn’t do a damn thing for my abuse or traumas or enslavement… Until… I learned and discovered The 12 Ethics.

Now that…

The 12 Ethics cured my Mental Illnesses in 1 year. The 12 Ethics are the TRUE Power within The Biological Learning Progression.

Which is WHY Philosophers did so much to study THOSE.

How Long Does It Take?

Once I began to study the Biological Learning Progression, it took 3 years for my mind to turn on… Now, that was from 1992 to 1995 while I was under severe trauma and stress and while I was having to hide the books in my room.

I believe it will take People in a healthy environment a LOT less time to Unlock their minds.

One of my Case Studies… It took her 3 months to unlock her mind and turn it on. My 16-year-old is starting to unlock hers and that is JUST from her LISTENING to my courses every day. She just told me this morning that she wants to play the Violin.

Mother Nature has spoken. She will be getting a Violin.

She will be learning from a Master on YouTube. A DOER. Not a Wanna-Be.

Make sure your teachers are DOERS and not Wanna-Be’s who don’t live. NEVER study from a Wanna-Be. They have nothing worth while to teach.

The Formula to get started in The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self… For this is the Self you are Mastering… is Music Theory, Frequency (Sound) Physics, Music performance (Piano recommended), Singing, Logic and Geometry…

Which is WHY Plato said, “Let no man who has not studied Geometry enter these walls.”

He was really saying, “Let no man who has not studied everything UP to Geometry enter these walls.”

There is no other way. This is the Key.

Music Theory + Frequency (Sound) Physics + Music performance (Piano recommended) + Singing + Logic + Geometry = The Key to the Biological Learning Progression

I would love to see if others can do it with Guitar, Flute, Violin, Cello…

I would LOVE to see if an Artist who skips Music Theory can do this! That is something I am looking into!

Japan has half of this formula (It’s why their Children are little geniuses who all study music and Math).

So… Again…

  1. Music = 1 Year old = 1st Ethical Perspective = Courage

  2. Song = 2 years old = 2nd Ethical Perspective = Self-Authority

  3. Dance = 3 years old = 3rd Ethical Perspective = Self-Regulation

  4. Drawing = 4 years old = 4th Ethical Perspective = Self-Law / Self-Government

  5. Painting = 5 years old = 5th Ethical Perspective = Accountability

  6. Sculpting = 6 years old = 6th Ethical Perspective = Equal Footing

  7. Reading = 7 years old = 7th Ethical Perspective = Listening & Silent Observation

  8. Writing = 8 years old = 8th Ethical Perspective = Talking & Transmission

  9. Theater & Stage = 9 years old = 9th Ethical Perspective = Human Connection

  10. Linguistics (Etymology) = 10 years old = 10th Ethical Perspective = Emotional Fluidity

  11. Logic = 11 years old = 11th Ethical Perspective = Logic

Now, when I did this, I was Reading at 4 and 5. I was writing at 8… I had started writing my first book at that age.

I was doing Piano, Theater, and Stage since 4 years old. While this is the Curriculum that Plato used, Mother Nature and Biology has their own clock and it goes MUCH faster.

And FYI… I found Plato’s Curriculum in The World Book Encyclopedia in 1992. My Intuition called me to follow The Curriculum all on its own.

I never went in the box.

I suffered for it. But I never went in the box.

This is what happens, when you never go in the box.

When I found My Fair Lady at 11 and 12, I went NUTS over the study of Linguistics… Which led me to PIE… The Proto-Indo-European Language Chart.

Because I had the Background in the Arts, I had the strong background I needed… So when I found Logic, Geometry, and Music Theory at 15, my brain turned ON.

My IQ then was 180.

I was writing Operas and had 2 Musicals written by 18 with one book half done.

And, mind you, I was doing all of this UNDER SEVERE Trauma, rapings, beatings, prison, animal abuse, trafficking… Imagine my progression if there had been NO trauma.

Now that… I am very eager to see from people! To see how this progresses without the Trauma!

So when I say to you Homeschool… THIS is why. Do NOT let Teachers touch your Children. They will interfere with this process and their teaching style is HIGHLY Toxic for the Subconscious Mind as they regularly violate the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic due to their ignorance. Hence the Mental Health Crisis.

Most Parents violate the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Ethics.

Psychologists violate the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic.

Bosses violate the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic.

Men are punished if they honor the 10th Ethic.

Women are mocked if they honor the 11th Ethic.

No one practices the 12 Ethic.

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This is why we are all dying through life.

This is why we have a Mental Health Crisis.

Mother Nature said, “Preserve the Equilibrium or else…”

And our Poor Education all had us choose “Or Else.”

Because we all got in the box.

The Student can only ever become as wise, as accomplished, happy, Ethical, or successful as the Teacher.

What Teachers are you choosing for your Self and Your Children?

Choose Wisely.

It is the most important choice you do make.

If you are ready to take your Life to the next level, speak with the Captain of the HMS Slush Brain, and we’ll see where in Alexandria and The Healing Garden you will most flourish.

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