So you’re all on board and you’re screaming, “Sign me up!”
Great. First, you must understand, this is DIY. Members gain access to my Q&A, but you’re on your own. You HAVE to be on your own.
We provide instruction on how to keep yourself on Task and how to prioritize your Education.
Before you can learn anything, you have to fix YOU because you need to regulate your Emotions. You need Triadic Healing Part #1.
This is the User Manual for the Subconscious Mind.
We start you off with the Triadic Healing Book Series. Which book you start with will depend on if you are an “A” Woman, a “B” Woman, or a “C” Woman.
“A” Women are women in our Society who are slaves and they don’t know it. Broken is for you. If you are not sure if you are an “A” Woman, start with Broken.
If you are a “B” Women, then you know you’re a Slave and you suffer from “Slave Mind.” You may have Borderline Personality Disorder or you identify as an Empath. You require “Breaking Delusion.”
If you are a “C” Woman, then you have escaped your abusive situation and are needing to heal. “Breaking Delusion” will ensure all Delusions are out of your head.
After Breaking Delusion, we have The Theory of Love and then The Salmon of Doubt.
All of these books are available here.
Then you’re ready for Triadic Healing Part #1.
Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder and The Great Books will be recommended to you as well.