Course Content
You, The Universe, and Your Goals
The Esoteric Sciences and The Magical Arts For Ashavana and Wizards
About Lesson

Dimensions are often confused with Densities and Definitions. 

Scientists have been using the word “Dimension” for all three Terms since 1920.

This is Einstein’s fault. Einstein — who was terrible in Math and who admits this — made a Logic mistake once, when he referred to “Time” (A Single Point of Location) as a “Dimension,” while he was referring to a Line of Definition when talking about Length, Width, Height.

Time belongs with Latitude and Longitude. 3 Data Points of 1 Definition of Points. (1 Dimension)

Length, Width, and Height is 3 Data Points of 2-Definitions of Lines.  (2 Dimension)

There is only one thing that is Measured as 3 Data Points of 3-Definitions of Triangulation. And that is The 12 Ethics in The Philosopher’s Compass.  (3 Dimension)

Due to the Forbidden Fruit Paradox, which states — paradoxically — that “one cannot claim Self-Authority without first being Authorized to access their own Authority without permission from an outside Authority, no one ever dared to question Einstein.

So they all just… repeated his mistake.

Henceforth, everyone just continued to repeat Einstein’s Logical and Mathematical error, leading to a belief of “5 Dimensions” … which is really just the “5th Ethic” of the 3rd Dimension.

It’s in our Language.

The Language spoken when one speaks Prejudice is One-Dimensional “Only” and “intolerant.”

The Language spoken when one speaks Binary is Two-Dimensional “Either/Or” and “vs.”

Abstractic is the Language spoken when one speaks 3-dimensionally, “It’s all Integrated” with all Variations of the Spectrum Balanced… In Equilibrium.

Yes. The Ethics are The Dimensions.

They are Locations or “Blocks” of “Time” within Mother Nature’s DNA Helix. 

The Helix is a Spiral, which is why we feel like we are “Spiralling out of Control” … because we are. 

The Logic, Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology to prove all of this, by the way, is on my website, “Research.”  

My Helix Cards train you how to Spiral Into Control 🙂 We will cover those in this Lesson.

“Time Travel” is really the ability to Project yourself into a Future Perspective (Ethical Perspective… which is really just a Dimension). I have never gone back. I can “See” back. But I can’t “Go” back. I can “See” forward because I am Forward. 

And this is where the Past, Present, and Future all are happening at the same time and you can see it all at once and at the same time… It’s trippy.

You’re reading your Projections of your own Readings from your 9.3 Billion long DNA Chain. I told you. Your Emotions are inside your Mitochondria. 

So you’re reading your DNA.

But 98% of you aren’t even grounded properly in the Center Self with a proper Calibration to the Truth.

And, are you observing the Truth, or are you Experiencing the Truth? 

Having Control over what you Observe (Objective) vs. what you Experience (Subjective) is a Massive Discipline a properly trained Witch has Mastered.

A proper Witch NEVER allows her Projections to wander without her own Say-so. DISCIPLINE.


“Wait!” you may ask. “What about all the Parallel Universes!” 

You mean the other DNA Timelines that coexist next to yours that all get braided together into one giant Helix Chain to make up Mother Nature’s DNA Chain?

Yeah, you really need to study Biology, Cells, and DNA Helix Chains, and then blow that research up to Astro sizes so you can see it all.

You’ve been narrow mindedly — One Dimensional Thinking — staring into “Quantum Physics” for too long and have missed all of the other 17 pictures Mother Nature gave you.

This is why a Witch needs to study. Properly.