The Esoteric Sciences and The Magical Arts For Ashavana and Wizards
About Course
Before you judge…
I have had a number of “Muggles” question my Credibility because of this course. I will make this Clear. This Course is not for everyone. “Magic” is Math + Logic integrated. All Magic is just Undiscovered Science. Physics, specifically.
In Science, Scientists are the first to tell you “Magic is Physics.”
“Wizard” does mean “Philosopher, Sage.” Look it up.
What most people think is “Magic” is the Exoteric Point of View. This Course Introduces the Esoteric Point of View.
I will say again. This is not for everyone. But it is in demand right now and — rather than leave this subject to non-scientists and Superstitions — I prefer addressing it properly, with the Highest of Ashavana Quality, while dropping a big, fat, SCIENCE in the middle of it.
If you are too “Muggle” to enjoy this course, then it is not for you and you are not the only person on this planet. At The University Emporium, we do not Cater to Ignorance and Fear. We explore ALL Disciplines to Study and this Discipline — Even PLATO had it on his curriculum. And thus, so will I.
This is the Science on the other side of Science.
And thus, we begin.
I sat down to savor my coffee this morning, but the Universe had other plans. “Write it!” my Intuition screamed as I remembered my Dream from last night.
I felt my nerves being tried. “They’ll laugh at me. They’ll mock me. They don’t even know what it really is.”
“Write it!”
I didn’t argue further. I got up and here I am.
I’m worried about my Credibility, my Science, and my Work… … … There is no one on this planet who can vouch for me. I’m on my own. But also, I cannot deny any longer what is so bloody apparent at this stage :
That Philosophy is really the Magic Users Walkthrough for Witchcraft and Wizadry.
Now before you get too excited or too skeptical, let me explain :
1 – We have a lot of Care bear Stare people here. We have a lot of Tarot readers, Palmstry, and Astrological followers… and they’ve ruined this for everybody, causing their own subject matter more harm than good because of how they all chose to show up to the world. Without Logic and all Emotion.
2 – One credible source who I want to mention here is Alistair Crowley… who was a Philosopher. To date, his work came the closest to interpreting the Esoteric Sciences as an Outsider, but he was — nevertheless — an Outsider.
Gerald Gardner is the real problem here. He was a Care Bear Stare amateur who copied Crowley’s work, having no Philosophical understanding of Crowley’s work… Gardner is the inventor of Wiccan.
So what we all ended up with was a hack copying an Outsider who was on to something.
Imagine showing up to Hogwarts with your letter and having no idea what Magic actually is. Outside of Hogwarts, there are booths : Magicians pulling rabbits out of hats and Romani People sitting under their Star tents with their Crystal Balls and Tarot Cards…
You with your Hogwarts letter are approached by the Magician and the Romani, never once realizing that what they’re peddling isn’t at all Magic. It’s 200 year Exoteric botched comprehension passed down from generation to generation.
Now you know “something is up with you.” You can feel it. And you’re right. You probably devoured the Quantum Physics while ignoring all the other Physics including the most important Physics of all : Classic Physics. You most likely never considered Math, Algebra, Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, or Logic. Leaving you grossly uneducated about Quantum Physics.
Dumbledore runs out, screaming at all the Magicians with rabbit hats and Romani Palm Readers, and he shoos them all away. You don’t understand the problem. “Isn’t that magic?” you ask. Dumbledore shakes his head.
“Trinkets,” Dumbledore would say. “An EZ Bake Oven for Toddlers and Muggle Children. My dear. Muggles have been training you in Magic these past 200 years. I am a Real Wizard.”
He holds the door open to you and invites you into Hogwarts. “Would you dare insist that your EZ Bake Oven Brownie can hold a flame to Gordon Ramsey? When Muggles teach you Magic, how good do you think it can be?”
Esoteric means “Inside.” And in order to get the “Inside Point of View,” you have to be taught by someone from The Inside.”
“Esoteric” never meant “Mysterious.” Muggles called it that. But the Esoterics called “Esoteric” Insider. Exoteric simply meant “Outsider.
For example, right now, you are reading this as a Muggle. You are an Outsider. But I see you all out here among the Magicians with white rabbits and the Romani Tents… You all want to be on the Inside.
This Course prepares you for the Inside. Nothing more. Nothing Less. Before you can become an Insider, you have to learn which parts of your previous Lessons were taught by Muggles, and which parts were actually taught by Esoterics.
But before we can do that, you have to understand how all of this got started, where it all came from, and what it all really is.
This covers nearly 6,000 years and came from three Origin Regions : Ireland, Norway, and Egypt/Mesopotamia. Some Indigenous and Nature Tribes did find this information also all over the world, but they could only take it so far, whereas others out surpassed us like The Mayans.
But the Persians… It really is all about them and what they did and how one man — Zarathustra — figured it all out and how he got his Work in the Esoteric Sciences to Ancient Greece.
How the Greeks built all of Philosophy around Zarathustra’s Work, and how they embedded the entire Walkthrough of The Esoteric Sciences and The Magical Arts right into Philosophy.
And how Muggles — yes, Muggles — took all of this away from us by the 4th Century. And how The Esoteric Sciences and The Magical Arts were — in secret by DaVinci and many others — passed down from Ashavana to Ashavana right to the 21st Century.
This Course covers The Esoteric Sciences and The Magical Arts, but really, 100% of all of The Healing Garden is a product of The Esoteric Sciences and The Magical Arts. It is what Pythagoras and Plato embedded right into Philosophy. So… Are you ready to do this?