Solutions are always on the outside of the Problem that you’re trying to solve, which is why you must Open Your Mind.
There is nothing that Logic can’t Solve. Logic is the Science of Problem Solving. There is a “To Do” List that you use to build a Sequence and a Milestone Check List. You need to Decide what you want, Inventory your “Shopping List” of Obstacles to Solve, and then execute them one by one. Sometimes, you execute them in the incorrect order. Other times, you execute them in the right order. Sometimes, you have to execute them in the right order.
And then you build A Chain Reaction so that “A” sets off “B,” which sets of “C,” which sets of “D”… And so on. Sometimes you set off the Chain Reaction, but “C” doesn’t go off, and the Chain Reaction is derailed. Sometimes, you set up a Chain Reaction, but the “A” never happens and so nothing happens.
This is what life is. A series of Chain Reactions. The Completion of One Sequence, gets you to “The Next Level.” And then… you do it again. You do it over and over again. You develop the Chain Reaction (Logic) Skill so that you can get better and better at your Chain Reactions.
And that is how you climb your way Up through Society. But as you climb, you will find more “Dead Ends,” which are “Catch-22’s” where the Policy Builder of a Business or the Government messed up the Logic and failed to execute tactical Logic properly. Tactical Logic. That is what all of this is. What all of Society is built on. What life is. What your life is. What your Children’s lives are. And no one is teaching Tactical Logic… or even basic Logic for that matter.
And that is why life is hard. Because you’re living without Logic even though we’re all building with it.
The thing is Mental Physics runs on Logical Sequence.
If you get stuck and don’t know how to solve the problem that is when you need to learn and investigate for solutions. And all solutions always lay on the outside of the Problem. You must Open your Mind to find them.
Be on the lookout for Catch-22’s. They are your first sign that you are dealing with something low quality, malicious, are ignorant. The only solution to a Catch-22 is an Independent Clause to end the cycle of Dependents.
Above all else, this requires a cool, clear head to think, which means you will need to keep your Emotions Managed and Regulated so you can think. You need to walk yourself through the Sequence.
The Three Stages of Problem Solution and Management are :
- Emergence Fire “Head Above Water” Tactics
- Urgent and Split-Decision Making from the Approaching Iceberg.
- Problem Prevention with Strategic Planning and Navigation with Foresight.
The Role of Your Dreams in Logic
Dreams carry you through your Situations. Logic is the “How To” of everything. Dreams partnered with Logic make you unstoppable. Our job is to get you there.
When you Dream you are Planning out your Life and Final Destination. Dreaming is Planning. They are Synonymous. There are two types of Dreams :
- Get you to the next stage so you can find your Ultimate Dream
- Inspire you to get to your Happiness
You need both to navigate and build your way through life.
As you Dream and you Investigate, you are really taking Inventory of what Problems you Need to solve so you can start taking action to get you where it is you want to go.
You need to lower your level of living below your Income Means to survive. And I do mean, cut back on 100% of everything that is not a bare essential. Bare Essential Living partnered with Strategic Savings and Investing is enough to get you surfing the waters.
Education is the only way to get there.
You must prioritize the Dream more than you desire the Instant Gratification of Comfort. Discomfort is the emotion we are to strategically use to motivate us through to our Dreams. The “Volume” on our Comfort is set by our Quality of Standards. The Higher the Standards in Low-Standards situation, the greater the Discomfort until you choose to change the Situation, or you lower your Standards and “Settle.”
Segregation Disintegrates.
Remember this. Segregation disintegrates Community. But you also want to make sure you Preserve your Resources. And there are a lot of people (Narcissist) who hoard the Resources of others. Keep away from them.
There is a lot of Psychology at play here with Resource Partitioning, Scarcity Mindset, and Rationing that must be overcome in order to adjust this.
Finding, Locating, Using, and Making the Most of the Resources that you have. Your Mind and Voice are two resources that most people never think about in their inventory.
Your Time, Energy, and Headspace are three more Resources that people do not count in their Inventory.
The Mind is your greatest Asset. To increase the Value of this Asset, you must fill it with Knowledge so your Subconscious Mind can Process the Knowledge into Skills and Resources for you to then Implement.
1 – Decide what you want
2 – Investigate the requirements to get it
3 – Compose your “Learning To-Do” List
4 – The “Check List” is everything you have to do in the right order to get what you want
5 – Mind the Order as you are setting up a Chain Reaction.
In certain circumstances, you have to time the Sequence just right and in the right order. We feel this when we have to close on a house and schedule the Movers so that they align with the passing of the new house keys and the transferring of Utilities to turn off in an Old location and turn on in the the New location. One date wrong, the Sequence timed wrong and we find ourselves with no electricity, no home for a few days or a few weeks, or we arrive at a new location weeks before our things arrive. The timing of a sequence is a delicate business.
6 – Beware of the Catch-22’s. When you find one, it will appear like you’re trapped. Many people quit because they don’t know how to solve Catch-22’s. The only solution is to learn. You’ll need to invent an Independent Clause that will force a door open for you.
Most people try to find “the beginning of a Catch-22.” They ask, “What is the Sequence?” They are both equals. Don’t choose a favorite. Just invent the Solution.
The Example of the Banks… Bank “A” said I needed 4 certifications and papers and I needed an Accountant. I said I needed money to get an Accountant to help, which I couldn’t get because I didn’t have a Bank Account for my Business to receive the funds to hire an Accountant. They said I needed to hire an Accountant to help me with the paperwork…
The Independent Clause is “Find another Bank” instead of playing their game of Round Robin. And so… I did.
We see this with a Problem in the Electric Company when we call about a tree growing into the Power lines. “That’s not our problem. You need to call the Town Hall.” So you call Town Hall. “That isn’t our problem. You need to call the Electric Company.” And back and forth… back and forth… The tree grows deeper into the Power Lines, and still both Companies play the game “Not It” while they Pass the Buck. And you are caught in their Logic Loop.
At this moment, there is no solution for Catch-22’s in a Company’s Policy. Ideally, every Company should have — As part of their Quality Control — a department that does nothing but collect complaints from customers who find Catch-22’s and then fix them to restore the Sequence. Catch-22’s always happen when something is Complicated and Simplicity is abandoned by the Policy Maker.
This is a position we have in place at The Healing Garden to ensure that, if anyone finds a Catch-22, it is brought to our attention, we step in, and correct the Catch-22, smoothing out the Logic of our Sequence so that our Patrons can have an easy, stress-free experience when they walk through our Garden.
Our Society runs on the insanity of Logic Loops created by Ignorant Policy Makers. And every one of us is suffering.
This is a part of Customer Service that is grossly neglected, and it speaks volumes on the Quality and Standards the company runs on. Boycott the Business who Complicates Policy. Boycott the Business who Builds Illogical Policy that makes your Customer Journey stressful or unnecessarily difficult for you. Boycott the Business who is too uneducated or sloppy in their Policy to even build you a proper Sequence.
And work on your own Logic, so when one of these Parrots keep repeating the same Catch-22 back at you, you can recognize the Loop you’re in, pull yourself out, put an end to trying to rationalize the irrational, and then… go find an alternative to your solution that eliminates the 3rd Party from the Situation.
As their business profits drop due to an irrational Customer Journey, they’ll either go bankrupt or they’ll seek out a solution and rebuild their Sequence. Until that happens, you must be ready to take matters into your own hands.
Learn logic.