The Divided States of America… Restoring The Union
About Lesson

It is believed that we all have TWO “Archetypes” of a Personality that we all *have* to aspire to.

Nothing has caused more argument, Trauma, and misunderstanding than this. 

Those two personalities are “Boys” or “Girls.” THIS is WRONG. But not for the reasons you think.

Mother Nature runs on a Different “Clock.” One that is connected to The Fibbonnaci Sequence and is literally embedded into our DNA, Psychology, Atoms, Cells, and Ethics. This is our Biology.

The Ethical Perspectives are our Growth Sequence. It is how we Grow. It determines our Maturity Levels, our “Wisdom” and our Mental Illnesses if we stop Growing.

The 2nd Ethics, 3rd Ethics, 4th Ethics, 5th Ethics, and 6th Ethics are currently in the Societal Cocktail.

Most people feel like they are not allowed their own Ethical Perspective… and many — MANY — of us were abused just for having our Ethical Perspective. 

The reason for this Abuse is 100% due to no one knowing about the Ethical Perspectives.

Spiral Dynamics is what this research and data was originally referred to in 1970’s and it is strongly proven. It was deemed “not important” in the 1970’s because no one back then had the Education to fully understand what Spiral Dynamics actually is or does.

Spiral Dynamics barely scratches the Surface of what the 12 Ethical Perspective Stages of Growth and Evolution is.

Traditionalists/Religious are 2nd Ethics.

Republicans are 3rd Ethics.

Democrats are 4th Ethics.

Business Owners are 5th Ethics.

LGBTQIA+ and The Green Party are 6th Ethics. 

Take this in. 

Here is the thing… Each one of these Ethics is a Stage of Growth that each and every one of us MUST Grow through. Where we “stop” in this Progression is determined ONLY by our Abuse and Trauma. 

98% of us were abused and traumatized, halting our Growth.

If we are going to Unite, the first thing we MUST do is learn about The 12 Ethics and learn RESPECT for the other Ethical Perspectives.

They are GOING to be different than you. This is how we grow.

The more you learn about the 12 Ethics and how each Perspective Stage differs, the more you will come to understand everyone around you. 

Remember, which Ethical Perspective you are in, is only determined by WHEN and HOW you were abused. Because this is TRAUMATIC, you should NEVER talk to another person about which Ethic they are. 

YOU need to know so YOU can understand.

It’s time to really start being kind. You’re about to learn about the Trauma you don’t see beneath the hate.