The Divided States of America… Restoring The Union
About Lesson

First of all, here is the Circle of Trust. Use it.

Here are The 12 Ethics. Use them.


If someone is not in your Circle of Trust, then you should limit how much access they have to you.

Use Discernment. Practice Discernment. 

DO NOT teach others.

Stop teaching others. 

If you do not have The 12 Ethics Mastered, then you are not qualified to teach.

Most people do not want a teacher and a Teacher who is not wanted is violating the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethics, which violates CONSENT.

A person has to be open to receive a Teacher. And if they are not Open to receive, then they are not in the right place to be taught. 

If you encounter someone of an Ethic not as mature as you then : 

1 – DO NOT TELL THEM they are lower or less than you. YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS telling anyone what their ethic is.

If you think you are “Ethically more mature” than them, then you are ETHICALLY HONORBOUND to be more Mature, Compassionate, and Kind to them. Think of Children. If you’re 6 and they are 2, how would you feel if you saw a 6 year old arguing with a 2 year old? 

2 – Keep the conversation SHORT and Simple. Be kind. Move on. If they insist on arguing, keep The 12 Ethics at hand. If they violate ONE of those Ethics, dismiss yourself. You do not have to tell them why. If you do tell them, simply explain that they violated Ethic X, and you need to protect yourself from harm. 

This shows them how it is done. They learn by SEEING it. 

3 – If someone regularly mocks and bullies you, REMOVE YOURSELF from the situation and DO NOT RETURN TO IT.

4 – If you have to move out or quit your job, then you have to sort out your priorities and work to make the appropriate changes IF you want to prioritize your Mental Health.

5 – Problem Solve. And get really good at it. You will have to embrace the Discomfort of Change to allow for a better life for yourself.

Most people online who are abusive or aggressive are 3rd Ethics. They WANT the Limelight. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. This is Bating because they associate attention with Love.

Recognize what Mental Illnesses they have, which Ethical Limitations others have, and WALK AWAY.

Understanding the Mental Illness and Ethical Limitations of others is HUGE in navigating Society.

No! We are not all Equal in Ethical Growth. We are Equal in IMPORTANCE only. But we all GROW at different rates. 

NO! Age and Education does not at all determine Ethical Growth or Maturity. You can have a 60+ year old 2 year old or a 7 year old 9 year old. I am a 44 year old 58 year old. Learn how to read another person’s Ethical Maturity and Mental Illnesses and LEAVE THEM ALONE if that is best for you both. 

DO NOT use Debate and Arguing to Project your unheard Voice onto others who are Mentally Ill or Ethically less Mature than you. That is not at all Ethically Mature of YOU and it says a lot about you.

Start seeing people as they Ethically really are and not as you expect them to be. They were abused horribly to be a grown adult with a 2 and 3 year old Maturity level.

They need Compassion and Kindness. Not another asshole proving to them how wrong they are, which they have had their entire lives. Show them something they have never seen before. Love and Patience.