The Ashavana-Teacher Training Course
About Lesson

Ideally, you need to follow the same Curriculum as outlined in Plato’s Curriculum and in the Correct Order. 

This is outlined in The Salmon of Knowledge by Anna Imagination.

If you are under 12, You are all set! Just follow Plato’s Curriculum!

Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder and read The Great Books.

Focus only on Plato and Socrates. 

Music Theory, Piano, Theater and Stage is vital to this. Logic is the Core piece that brings it all together. 

Khan Academy,  YouTube, and Wikipedia are all you need. 

Here is our Master List of Masters

If you are under 12, you are off to a great start! I was 12 when I got started! 

Add this to your Mind :  

  • “Your Mind will remain Unharmed.”
  • “I want the Truth.”
  • “I value The Highest Quality of Information and Knowledge.” 

These three Manifestation will Nourish your Logic and will activate your Self-Preservation to protect Your Mind no matter what happens to you. 

Your Mind builds a “Shell” around itself if it needs to.

If you are 12 to 20, You are set! Follow the same set of Instructions I just outlined above. 

Next, we’ll cover how to use the Academic Disciplines!