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The Ashavana Curriculum For Homeschooling
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Most people do not know this about Wiki, but Wiki comes with a Syllabus, an Outline, and a Portal on the Primary Disciplines. 

Wikipedia also has the highest standard of Education out there. They will not publish anything without 3 (three) sources citing the statement.

Their articles are clear, simple, and precise. They are cited, and they come with an infinite number of Wikipedia Links so when you find a subject you don’t understand, you can open a new tab, read for a moment, and then continue. 

I was on Wikipedia the day it was released. 

And in all the years I have been on Wikipedia, I have found 1 error, which I told them about, proved, and they have since corrected it. 

One error in 20+ years. Wikipedia meets my standards. 

If you go to “Physics” — let’s do this now — you will see a “Physics Portal” to the right hand side of the page. Click on it. Browse. 


Take note on “Good Articles.” 

Also scroll down and look at “Categories” and also “Physics.” Topics” 


At the very bottom you have 3 additional “drop down” tabs, one of which is “Portals on Wikipedia.”


These Portals provide the Logical Sequence of the Study of Physics in the Right Order. And that is why I love Wikipedia. You do not have to “guess” on what Plato’s Point is. 

Most people — All People — learn best when they are started at Plato’s Point. Plato’s Point, when the Logical Sequence is followed, guarantees the easiest Learning because you are learning in the Right Order, Sequentially. 

This guarantees that you are getting the Foundation of every subject prior to learning it. Out of Order, you lack the Foundation and Core Common Denominators that are required for Integrated Learning and Comprehension. 

Wikipedia does this all for you.

When you learn Sequentially — as Mother Nature intended — you only need “the nuggets” of information. Dissection is reserved only for those who desire Mastery in a Subject.

Not all subjects have a Portal on Wikipedia… But all subjects do have a “Portal” on Wikipedia. 

Under our “Physics” example, the Portal is clearly stated and show to the right. However, if you were to look up “Mermaid” on Wikipedia, the “Portal” would be located at the bottom of the page under “Fae” and “Faerie Lore.” 

This is still the Logical Sequence, and you will see from this sequence that “Mermaid” falls under the “Fae Lore” Category. 

As you make your way through Wikipedia, explore, GET CURIOUS! Click on the links and open new tabs as you come to new subjects. 

Very soon you will be building your very own Learning Tree! And then you will start to see just how EVERYTHING is connected.