The Asha Journey Course
About Course
The Asha Journey is a DIY Journey.
It is for the Life Learner who is called to the Life of Education, Wisdom, and Knowledge.
You Learn, Grow, Pursue Truth, Search for the Self and then you Mine the Truth from Mother Nature. You record, Archive, and preserve the Wisdom and Knowledge from The Sequence both Past and Future. You purify what was. You align what will be. You guide the Next Generation of Ashavana.
Ashavana are Eccentric. They build their lives around Play while staying balanced with Maturity and Wisdom. Authenticity is at the forefront of their Minds. They are Knights who live Honorbound to The 12 Ethics.
We train Life Learners in the Asha Journey who are then invited to join Lab QED and Alexandria; The Genius School that Nourishes the greatest Minds in the Esoteric Sciences beyond Biology.
If you wish to begin the Asha Journey, the requirements are :
1 – Existentialism, Logic, Mathematics, Learning How To Learn, Triadic Healing Part #1 and Part #2.
2 – The Academic Disciplines followed in Order according to Pythagoras and Plato with Philosophy applied to The Disciplines.
3 – The Progression through the 12 Ethics. The “Door” of the 12 Ethics are through Musical Theory and Composition, Logical Proofs and Geometry, and Classic Physics (Sound).
4 – Existentialism applied to The Great Books.
5 – Philosophy-Done-Right
Course Content
The Asha Records